The Labyrinth of Gedref

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Silas walks through the forest with Arthur, Merlin and their hunting party, Arthur sends two of his knights round a different way "Merlin

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Silas walks through the forest with Arthur, Merlin and their hunting party, Arthur sends two of his knights round a different way "Merlin." he whispers. "What is it?" Merlin responds. "I don't know. We will surround it. I want you to go in there and flush it out." Arthur tells him. "You want me to go in there? You just said you don't know what it is. It could be dangerous." Merlin says. "Let's hope so. Now go." Arthur tells him. Silas rolls his eyes "I'll come with you Merlin." he tells his friend, Merlin looking thankful that he isn't going alone. They walk round and Merlin picks up a big stick, as they turn the corner they see a gorgeous white unicorn. Merlin drops the stick as they hear the hunters coming "Go. Go! Please, go." he tells the animal. "Shh. They're gonna kill you. Please, go!" Silas pleads. Looking up they see Arthur pointing his crossbow at the unicorn "Arthur! No!" Silas shouts. Arthur shoots the unicorn making Silas and Merlin drop to their knees and cry, stroking the Unicorn's head as it dies "I'm sorry. Sorry." they tell it. "Ha-ha! A unicorn!" Arthur grins as he joins them. "What have you done?" Merlin asks. "Don't be such a girl, Merlin." Arthur responds. Merlin and Silas spot a man in a white cloak behind Arthur "What are you looking at?" Arthur asks turning round to see no one. Silas stands up and storms away from the dead unicorn, Merlin following "Why, why would he do that?" Merlin asks. "It's Arthur." Silas responds making him nod. Silas sighs and sits on a fallen tree "It was so beautiful." he says sadly making Merlin nod in agreement. "Come on you two, we're heading home. I want to show father the horn." Arthur tells them. Silas glares at his brother as he storms past, taking the lead back home with Merlin next to him.

Silas follows his brother into the council chamber where they find their father and Gaius in a meeting with some of the council, Merlin follows the brothers carrying the unicorn horn on a pillow "Father! A unicorn's horn to grace the walls of Camelot." Arthur tells Uther with a smile. "Magnificent. It's the first one I've seen. Gaius, look at this." Uther smiles picking the horn up. Silas bites his tongue to stop himself from saying anything, still being in Uther's bad books for living without permission "It is very impressive, My Lord." Gaius responds. "What is it, Gaius? Speak your mind." Uther asks. "Unicorns are rare and mystical creatures. There is a legend that says that bad fortune will come to anyone who slays one." Gaius tells him. "Nonsense. We will be the envy of every kingdom." Uther denies. "I'm pleased you like it." Arthur smiles. Everyone leaves, Silas going off with Merlin and Gaius as they walk through the square "I don't understand how Arthur can have taken any pleasure from killing the unicorn." Merlin sighs. "Arthur is a hunter. It's in his blood. Whereas you two are something entirely different." Gaius responds, noticing Silas' sadness. "It was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen." Silas tells the physician. "I wish you'd been there." Merlin tells Gaius. "It's a rare privilege. Alas, there are few unicorns still alive." Gaius tells them. "You try telling that to Arthur." Merlin sighs. "I can imagine it would be difficult." the physician agrees. Silas shakes his head "I better head to my chamber's, Father is still angry about me leaving without permission." he tells Merlin and Gaius before leaving them.

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