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"Since you're off tonight, let's go see a movie, before going home," Qihe suggested.

"Okay, but let me pay for it and the snacks."

"Sure whatever. You choose the movie."

He was glad to see that Jiayi had chosen an action flick, instead of a rom-com. They got a large popcorn with extra butter and two pops. Qihe carried their drinks. The ticket person let them pass and they found the theatre room assigned to their movie. They were in seats at the back, dead centre. It wasn't the cheap movie night and it was earlier then when most would go anyway. There was no one sitting in their section.  A couple sat in the middle row and then a group of five guys sat down to the left between that couple and Qihe with Jiayi.

"Aren't those guys from our school?" She whispered to him.

"Yeah. They're a bunch of bullies. They terrorize the girls and weaker guys.  I frequently have to remind them I'm the boss."

The lights went off, other than the emergency lights and the ones in the floor for the isle stairs. Both took off their masks and began to share the popcorn, as the previews played on the screen. It wasn't long before the movie began and all attention focused on it. Once Qihe noticed Jiayi had stopped eating popcorn, he put it on the floor beside him.  He opened his hand, palm up and nudged her hand. She glanced down and smiled. Her hand landed palm down on his and they laced their fingers together.  After that they were engrossed in the movie until it ended.

"I loved that one part, in the middle, I laughed so hard!" Jiayi smiled.

"Yeah, I think everyone heard you.  I like your laugh," Qihe winked. "I need the toilet, see you by the car."

"Okay," Jiayi wanted the alone time to stop blushing.

Outside the five guys from their school circled her. One was on the phone, "we have her. Where are you?"

A car pulled up and another five guys joined the group. Four of them were the ones Jaiyi had fought in the hall. She was already focusing on their leader. "Back for more ass kicking?"

"The only ass getting any attention from us, is yours. Get her guys."

The thing about fighting a group, was to take out their leader and then the next dominant person. None of the guys expected her to head-butt the guy who did the shit talking. Elbows split skin and made three guys stumble, knees to the face and then a kick to the solar plexus, took them out of the fight. Then she threw combinations of kicks and punches. Her favourite was a lead kick with a jab-cross and rear kick. A few got a 1-2-3 combo and ended with a kick. One guy was trying to catch her foot to throw her off balance. So she kicked him in the hand, followed by a jab and a straight right, he went down and her followup right kick wasn't needed. Spinning round, she used that right kick on another guy's head, then his friend beside him got the jab.  Then with an upper cut, he was launched backwards, leaving behind one shoe. The tall guy, stepped in towards her from behind and a backward thrown elbow caught him on the chin, he tried to stay standing and looked like one of those wind funnel characters. She laughed. A fat guy, tried his wrestling take town and ended up with one of her finger nails stuck in his skin, before her foot sent him stumbling into the bumper of another car.

"Mafia Boy just showed up, RUN!"

Qihe had seen her kick boxing with the group of attackers. He took his time coming to her, since she was having fun. Jiayi didn't let the remaining guys run. She pursued them and also knocked them out. The last guy she dragged over.

"Do you know who I am?"

"A dumb bitch," the guy by her feet spat.

She punched him in the nose. "Next one goes into the Adam's apple."

"That could kill me!" The broken nose guy cried out.

"Exactly. Who am I?"

"You're Queen Jiayi."

She smiled, but her eyes were as cold as a hunting shark. "Tell your friends, next time I'll hospitalize all of you. Now fuck off."

Qihe was impressed. "I think you already hospitalized four of them. I see two dislocated shoulders, a broken hand from a beautiful kick and a broken arm. One might have a fractured foot."

"The spoils of victory?"

His eyes turned into half moons as he chuckled. "That's not really a reward for you."

"Yes it is! Finally some peace and quiet, no more morons making me have a sudden workout."

"They'll hate you, but respect you from now on. I doubt anyone will try to fight you going forward."

"Shit, I broke another nail," she sighed.

"You didn't notice that before?"

"Adrenaline dump, overrode any pain."

He shook his head. "You're the best.... Since you're Queen, accomplished on your own, are we now officially girlfriend and boyfriend?"

"If tomorrow they call me Queen, then yes." She walked over to a car and bent over. "I was worried that idiot left a dent, but I don't see any damage, do you?"

"Nope, car is fine. I'm surprised that the alarm didn't go off. We should leave now too, before the other movies let out and traffic becomes shitty."

Jiayi did a palm to forehead. "We forgot to go grocery shopping!"

"I totally forgot. It's not too late, we can still do it."

"Okay, let's go."

In the car, Qihe said, "nothing ever is boring when you're around. I'm glad you got transferred to my school."

"It's OUR school now." Her stomach growled and she grinned, "I've worked up an appetite. Make sure I don't buy stupid shit."

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

Qihe stared at her, when he took the first bite of ginger chicken. "You're hired as my personal chef. This is better than from a restaurant!"

"Thanks, I'm glad you like it. Mom taught me some recipes, but mostly I learned on my own. Dad doesn't eat at home, but I wanted to make sure my brother didn't miss mom so much and that he got something good every day."

"Has your father called you to find out where Zan and you have been?" Qihe asked carefully.

"No. I doubt he'll notice until the house becomes a mess." Putting down her chop-sticks, Jiayi asked, "why do you and your brother live alone and not with your parents?"

"Mom pretty much lives at her office, but she does have an apartment. Dad lives with our Step-mom. Neither of us like her. Our step-brother is okay, but his mom use to be my dad's mistress."

"Oh, that's a messy situation. Do they pay for your apartments?"

"Not really. We get an allowance, but both myself and Lu He model, which pays the bills. I am also an e-sports player and get hired as a body-guard occasionally.  Lu He tutors and does some acting too."

"Wow, you're more like adults than teens. Isn't that too much pressure?"

"No, when I'm idle I do bad shit and get pulled into Dad's world."

"Enough said."

He took her hand in his, "since Lu He and I are independent, it's harder to be controlled by adults. You can live with me for as long as you want, no strings."

"Thanks, but Zan and I will eventually need to go home."

"Just don't decide that suddenly. When we go make dinner for Lu He and Zan, let's all discuss it. Your brother should have a say too. He's not as oblivious to the situation as you think."

She looked at him, "what did that brat say?"

"Not much to me, but Lu He has a way with kids.  Zan is worried about you, he's a good brother."

Jiayi sighed, "alright we will all discuss the future at dinner. I'm off again on Saturday. Check if that's a good day to make dinner at Lu He's."

"I'll do the dishes, then help you with your English homework.  I noticed that's your worst subject."

"Shut up." 

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now