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The next day, Lu He called a cab from his house, to arrive on set.  Ru Shi was there waiting for him. She opened his door.  He noticed she was dressed in dark sunglasses, an oversized black suit, white shirt and black tie.

"Are you working for the government or pretending to be a thug? Change."

She looked down, while closing the car door. "I don't have any clothes with me, sorry."

"Take off the jacket and sunglasses at least, you look silly. See what everyone else is wearing, can't you do the same?" He sighed with exasperation.

"I'll wear a t-shirt and jeans, is that okay?"

"As long as the jeans aren't ripped. Think business casual when you dress tomorrow." Lu He suggested and then left her standing there, to check in with the wardrobe department.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

They were filming the current crime drama all week at an office building. It wasn't too far from Seven Cranes Entertainment or Lu He's family home. That meant he didn't have to rush to set, after school.  And when they filmed at night, he didn't fall asleep on the drive back. He was in a better mood because of it and due to Ru Shi finally understanding how she was supposed to dress and her duties as his assistant manager.

The camera was rolling and Lu He flirted as directed, with a pretty girl. The media were trying to photograph it, without being noticed. Some were using just their cell phones to record the moment.

Ru Shi came running forward, "how dare you take a candid picture!" She put her sweatshirt over the guy and his cell phone. Two guys start to drag her away, as Ru Shi fought their hold on her. "Lu He you go first, I'll get them out of your way."

The director yelled, "CUT! What are you doing?! We're shooting a scene!"

Behind his mouth mask, Lu He was practically laughing at the look of surprise from Ru Shi, as she realized it was all part of his new role.  Quickly she began to apologize to the crew.

"Pay attention and read the damn script next time!" The director scolded her.

As Ru Shi went to stand behind the cameras and out of the way, Lu He came up to her and flicked her forehead. "That's very protective of you."

She backed away, thinking he was angry with her again and about to fire her.

After the stylist fixed his hair, he turned and said over his shoulder, "Ru Shi what are you doing just standing there? Not working?"

Quickly she came to Lu He's side and offered him a bottle of water.  At least he wasn't angry with her, like the crew and director were.  Having been so focused on Lu He, she hadn't noticed the equipment around them. Ru Shi could've kicked herself for having interrupted filming. For just a moment, she wondered what it would be like to have him smile and flirt with her.  Shaking her head, Ru Shi scolded herself for day dreaming.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

By the time filming was done for the day, Lu He was hungry and tired. He was walking through the building where they had the set. He could see the fans at the end of the hall, behind the barriers, all trying to get his attention. He also spotted Ru Shi, near the door that lead to the stairs, he stopped in front of her. "I finally found you. I'm so tired, let me recharge my batteries." He rested his forehead on her shoulder, completely startling her.

The fans all screamed in delight, because he used a line from his last drama, in real life. When he straightened back up, Lu He saw that he had caused a deep blush on Ru Shi's face. His eyes were dancing with glee, but she didn't notice it as her head was down.

"I'm done for the day, let's go eat."

As they headed outside, Ru Shi noticed it was raining. Taking off her backpack, she pulled out an umbrella, before zipping it up and returning it to one shoulder. Opening the umbrella, she held it over Lu He's head, as they went to get into the taxi that arrived. She got drenched, thanks to the sudden downpour. In the cab, she sneezed into her arm, twice.

Lu He told the driver his address. When they arrived, he said, "Ru Shi come into my house, before you go."

"Was there something you needed?" She asked following him inside.

He didn't answer, instead disappeared and returned with a towel so she could dry her hair. "You'll get sick if you don't dry off first.  I'll just have the food delivered. Stay and eat with me."


Lu He went to his bedroom and came back carrying some gift bags.  He lifted the towel off her face, like a bridal vail.  Holding up the gift bags he said, "I got these for you. It's a reward for working hard."

She saluted him and said, "I'll do my best in the future."

His eyes turned into half moons as they connected to hers, due to him smiling under the mask. "You could change into the clothes I got you now and I'll put what you're wearing into the dryer."

"Where's the bathroom? I'll go change."

"Second door on the left, down the hall." He called in the food order and then sat on the couch reading the script.

When she returned, the doorbell rang, so Ru Shi answered the door and accepted a big bouquet of flowers. Almost at the same time the food arrived and she accepted that too. Closing the door, she walked into the living room and put down the food.

"Where do you want the flowers?"

As he came towards her, he started coughing. "Throw them out, it has roses and I'm allergic to them."

Ru Shi quickly put the flowers outside, "I'll take them home later, so they don't go to waste." She went and washed her hands.

Lu He found it nice to be eating with someone, since his brother rarely came home and usually it was very late at night. His mom was always at her office working and he had no idea where his father usually was, nor did he care. He noticed she didn't eat many vegetables.

"Are you a picky eater or do you have a food allergy?"

"I don't like the taste of cooked peppers. So if it's mixed in with other vegetables then it makes all of it taste bad."

"It's that bitter undertone that the cooked peppers have, right?"


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