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"Do you guys mind if I get dropped off at home first?" Suyin asked.

"Sure, no worries," Qihe replied to his girlfriend, who sat in the front passenger seat.

Xiang Shao wondered, "bro you're not eighteen, how did you get your license and a car?"

"Dad gave an assist."

"Say no more.  But I appreciate you picking us up and taking us all back home from the amusement park.  Lu He drives too?"

"Yes, he got his license after me.  But Chyou is being dropped off at an evening show, she's walking the runway for designer Lan Yu."

"That's so cool," Ping praised.

"Ping going home with you Xiang Shao?"

"No, Mom texted me that Dad's in a bad mood.  Drop me after Suyin please."

"Do you just want to come over to my house?" Qihe offered, after hearing his half-brother's anxious tone.

"That would just piss him off.  Thanks, but not this time."

On arrival at her apartment complex, Suyin kissed Qihe and said bye to the others.  Next they drove to Xiang Shao's house, where he promised to call Ping and his half-brother later.  Ping moved into the front passenger seat.  It wasn't until Qihe was back on the road that he noticed how quiet Ping was.

"What's got you all upset?"

Ping glanced at him, "you and I are good friends right?"

"Of course, why do you ask?"

"If I tell you something I want you to know, but shouldn't know myself, I don't want you to hate me for it."

Qihe pulled over and put his hazard lights on. "Out with it.  I won't be mad.  You can tell me anything, I promise."

"Even if it involves your girlfriend?"


She fidgeted under his stare and then blurted, "Suyin is two-faced.  I don't like her." Seeing the look in his eyes, Ping added, "no I don't have proof that I can show you, it's women's intuition. Also a few things she said to me previously and a phone conversation I overheard in the washroom today.  I wasn't going to tell you, but Xiang Shao said I should be honest if it bothers me so much." She hung her head, waiting for his harsh words to mind her own business.

"Ping look at me." Qihe said gently. "I'm glad you told me what was on your mind.  Honesty goes a long way, it's what started our friendship."

Her eyes brightened and she reminded him, "you thwarting my attempted suicide was what started our friendship."

"But you were honest then, even about the cutting.  Anyway, I appreciate the warning and concern."



"My loyalty will always be with you Cranes... I love Xiang Shao... but you... you saved me."

His eyes smiled, because his mouth was hidden by the mask. "You don't owe me anything.  As you are always loyal to us Cranes, we will be loyal to you too.  Like I said before to you and my brothers, trust and communication trump all else in any relationship.  You have proven that over and over."

She nodded. "At first I didn't believe you, but I finally trusted Xiang Shao and told him about the cutting.  I even shared how you and I really met and what drove me to try suicide.  Talking about it to him and you, did help."

"Did you ever try those online sites?"

Although she looked out the window before answering, he knew she was being truthful. "Yes.... It was after the first time I refused having sex with Xiang Shao."

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now