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After they cleaned up the kitchen and dining room, they all sat down in the living room. It was time to get serious.  Zan blurted, "Jiayi I don't want to live with dad. I want to stay with Lu He!"

"That's not fair to Lu He."

"I'm right here guys. First I want to know how often your dad is physically abusive to Zan," Lu He said.

"Every time he sees me, so at least once a day I get hit. If I dodge it and he notices, it's worse." Zan stood up and took off his shirt, before Jiayi could stop him. "The cigarette burn scar is from him too."

Qihe asked, "what about the scar on your left shoulder?"

"Broken bottle after he knocked out Jiayi. That one is really old.  All the bruises have also healed since I've been here."

Lu He faced Jiayi. "Can we see your back?"


Lu He exchanged a look with Qihe, who gave a small nod no, he had not seen Jiayi without clothes on. Lu He asked, "does it only happen if your dad is drunk?"

Again Zan answered, "no. He's not drunk in the morning, just hung over. It's just worse when he drinks. If he's drunk due to hard liquor, like whisky, then he's extra mean."

Qihe noticed Jiayi clenching her fists and forced her hand open. Lu He did the same on the other side. "Are the marks on your palms from your own nails?"

"That's better than what she use to do!" Zan ratted.

"SHUT UP!" Jiayi yelled at her brother angrily. "Why are you telling them our business?!"

"YOU SHUT UP! You always treat me like an idiot child. I'm not stupid! He's going to kill me one day. I'd rather live on the street than with dad!" Zan was shouting and crying at the same time. "YOU CAN'T FIX THIS ON YOUR OWN!"

Qihe and Lu He separated brother and sister. "Calm down both of you." They said in unison and then shot each other a grin.

It distracted Jiayi, "that was weird. You guys said the same thing at the same time."

"Maybe it's a twin thing," Zan suggested.

"It is. It use to drive our teachers crazy."

"Our father hates it too," Qihe admitted. "Jiayi, why do you keep everything bottled up inside? Are you still protecting your father?"

"Because if I don't stay in control... in...control," she was fighting herself so hard.

"Of any one, you can let go with us. Lu He, your brother and I, we won't tell anyone that you broke down."

"I can't... I just can't."

Zan got up and hugged his sister. "Please let them help. They're Mafia Boy and Mask Man! I don't want to loose you. I love you Jiayi."

The twins looked at each other, then both joined in the hug. "We understand more than anyone else about privacy, secrets and how fucked up families can be. We would never judge you," Lu He said gently.

"Alright, everyone get off me." Jiayi had calmed down. "Zan, go to the room you're using here and stay there until I call you."


Lu He said, "just do it Zan. Trust us."

Zan frowned and stomped his feet, but he left them alone.

Jiayi locked eyes with Qihe. "If you or your brother break your promise to me and tell anyone what I'm about to show you, I will destroy you both. Understand?"

"We understand and won't betray you." The twins said at the same time.

Lu He stood up and checked down the hall, confirming her brother wasn't peaking. "It's clear."

Jiayi took off her shirt. She had on a black sports bra, so she wasn't embarrassed exposing herself like that. They walked in a circle around her, looking at the truth Jiayi didn't think they could handle. Then she put on her shirt.

"Zan you can come back."

Lu He spoke first, "Jiayi I want you to let Zan keep living with me."

She looked at Zan, then Lu He and finally Qihe. "But what happens if his school calls or something?"

"I can hack my mom's law office computer and make it seem like a legal document signed by your dad gave the permission. Or I can pay an adult female to pretend to be your mom. Technically all we need is your family stamp," Lu He explained.

Qihe added, "remember I told you we're geniuses. Plenty of creative ways to handle that."

"Lu He, why would you want to help us? This can't be just from owing Qihe."

"You're right, it's not. With Zan here I'm not lonely, girls don't stay long or try to stay overnight. Zan is like a younger brother. But the biggest reason is because it means you'll come here more often and indirectly so will Qihe."

Her eyes left Qihe and landed on Lu He. "So you're using Zan to bring your brother back into your life?"


Jiayi rubbed her neck. "Zan what do you think?"

"I'm staying with Lu He. Once I'm old enough I'll get a job and move out."

"Okay, you can stay with Lu He."

"And what about you?" Qihe asked. "I want you to stay with me."

"You've done enough already. Once my ribs are fine, I'm going back."

Zan jumped up. "WHY?"

"If we're both gone he'll notice and cause problems. You remember what happened when mom left. And we're imposing on the twins enough."

"That's for us to decide. Why not just stay with Qihe, until your dad notices. Then we can all figure out what to do next, when that does happen." Something suddenly occurred to Lu He. "Jiayi, are you scared of depending on Qihe or that you might fall in love with him?"

Qihe spoke up. "Stop, don't answer that. If you really don't want to stay with me, I won't force you. I don't like it, but I won't stop you from leaving either.  But it will mean that I'll be coming over to your house every night, whether that's to help you with your dad or just doing homework. Now that you've let me eat your homemade food, I don't want to eat takeout anymore."

"Just give me some time.  I'l stay for another week.  After that I won't promise anything.  And if dad starts looking for us, I'm going back, so that at least Zan can stay safe."

"Okay, that's fair."

While Zan showed his sister the room he had at Lu He's, the twins had a whispered discussion.

"I'll prepare the legal document. Either find their stamp or get Jiayi to do it. You and I both know this is worse than we thought."

"Lu He... I... thanks." Qihe put his hand on his twin's shoulder.

"I swear on my own life, I'll even put it in blood, I won't betray you.  I never meant to in the past either.  I'm sorry," Lu He vowed. "You can trust me. We're not letting that evil bastard hurt Zan or Jiayi again.  Even if it means we go together and talk to dad."

Qihe agreed. "I hope we won't have to, but I'm glad you're willing to go that far with me on this."

"For them, for us." Lu He hugged his brother, who returned the embrace.

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now