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For Qihe, things hadn't changed much between junior and senior high school. The biggest difference was the leniency of the teachers and principle in regards to attendance and fighting. Since Mafia Boy had united the school and ruled his gang strictly, the frequency of trouble dissipated and made life easier for the general student population.  As requested by the vice-principle, Qihe tried to keep disputes and fights outside of school property. To show his loyalty was to Qihe and not just his sister, Bohai made a copy of the key used to lock the back gate.  This allowed Qihe (and his gang) to come and go without issue.

Qihe mostly used his car for work or commuting for e-sports competitions, when the team bus wasn't used.  Unlike the full time e-sports players, who lived on the team site, management made an exception for Qihe, which suited him just fine.  Like he had told Lu He, Qihe used his car to hook up with girls too.  Sometimes he got Lu He (or vice versa) to pick him up, if the car was in for servicing.  That was the circumstance this night.

"Yeah, the basketball game ran a little late.  Where are you parked?"

Lu He replied into his cell phone, "on the far side of the overpass."

"I'll be there soon." Qihe ended the call, grabbed his school jacket and left the court.

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Lu He saw the gun first and then his twin.  Instinctually he screamed, "RED LIGHT!!!"

The shot rang out as the gun was fired and then the gunman ran to a car that drove off.  Lu He sprinted to Qihe who was lying on the ground.  Lu He prayed his warning had reached his brother in time.  What no one knew was that Qihe and Lu He use to train as kids, shouting "Red Light" and "Green Light".  Red meant any kind of push up:  spiderman, one leg, hand claps, diamond, etc.  Green Light was some kind of jumping jack; basic, squat jacks, press jacks, burpees and so on.  Sometimes they called those words out to see if they could trip each other up at random moments throughout the day.  This wasn't known by their trainers, martial art masters, family, friends or staff.  Not even their sister knew about it.  As they had become teenagers, they rarely played that game.

"Shit!  You just saved my life Lu He!" Qihe said as he got up. "I was pissed at you in that split second for making me dirty, but now I'm glad I listened." He hugged his brother tight. "Thank you."

"I'll hack every camera around to find out who that was.  Are you sure you didn't get hit?"

"I heard the impact somewhere behind me." Qihe brushed the street dirt off his clothes. "Once we find out who did it, I'll tell Dad.  Let's see if we can find the bullet too.  After that, I'll go this way and you that way, to find cars with cameras or whatever."

Lu He took a big breath in and let it out. "I'll find the bastard who tried to kill you, even if I have to hack the satellites and stay on it for days.  And when you go to tell Dad, I'll come with you."

Qihe smiled, "I have never seen you so fierce about something.  You just trumped our sister.  I'm not as good at hacking as you are, but I'll do my part too."

They checked the CCTV cameras on the street, took note of any building security cameras and the cars that lined the street.  Armed with that information, Lu He drove them home.  He planned on hacking into the Ministry of Transportation, to get the CCTV street camera videos and information of the parked cars that had cameras too.  Together the twins worked all night and all of the next day, both calling in sick to school.

"QIHE I FOUND HIM!" Lu He shouted excitedly.

Running from his room to his brother's, Qihe arrived seconds later. "Who is it?"

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now