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Lu He was disgusted to find that his school uniform was still in the washing machine, he had told his brother to put it in the dryer last night before bed. Wearing an all black dress shirt with the school's pants, he tried to avoid the teachers from noticing him. Unfortunately his English teacher caught him.

"You must wear the school uniform when entering school and not just the pants!"

Chyou and Feifei walked into the room, as Lu He was being scolded. "Hello teacher," they said and quickly passed by.

Lu He watched the pair and it almost seemed like the two were wearing couples clothes, because of the uniform.  Ignoring the scolding of the teacher, he went and sat down behind Chyou.  He listened to their conversation.

"Please lend me the completed homework," Chyou begged Feifei.

Lu He stood up, "are you copying your homework?" He took Feifei's completed assignment.

"Give it to me!" He held it out of her reach and she protested, "how can I copy it if you loose this?"

Lu He threw it out the open window.  She hurried to the window and looked out, but he spun her around so she faced him. "Don't copy him.  I'll teach you to write English."

She was flustered and a little panicked, because now she owed Feifei too.  Struggling, Chyou got out of Lu He's arms. "Sometimes you are so much like Qihe!"

"I'll take that as a compliment." He sat back down and added, "Feifei I'll treat you to lunch, since I lost your work."

"I can write up another copy quick.  Next time I just won't lend my stuff out."

The girl sitting down beside Lu He groaned, "thanks a lot Lu He, now none of us can copy off him!'

Lu He turned and glared at her, "you should do the work yourself and not use other people."

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

Qihe was sleeping in his Math class, because he'd been up until the early am, playing in an e-sports tournament. The girl sitting beside him, tapped his shoulder, trying to get his attention.

"Qihe please help me look at this problem, I just can't do it."

Sitting up, he looked at her and sighed.  Right away other girls in class rushed forward, giving Qihe their papers too and requesting help.  Of course it was all the pretty ones too.  His seat partner moved her chair further away, to make room for the other girls.  She didn't think anyone would choose her over them.

He stopped her, by gripping the chair. "Where are you going?" Qihe ignored everyone else, so the other girls left him alone. "I'll show you the step where you made a mistake, then see if you can fix it."

"Is it the right formula?"


She watched him make the correction and then continued to solve for x.  At the end of the work, she shyly looked at him for confirmation.

"That's correct.  Do you understand now what you did wrong?"

"I think so. Thanks and sorry I woke you up."

"Get me a green tea drink from the vending machine and we're even."

The girl got up immediately and went to fulfill his request, before class started. On return she handed him the drink and sat down again. "Want me to take notes for you today?"

"Not necessary, but thanks for asking." Putting an arm out, he rested his head on it and closed his eyes again, but faced towards her. "Just so you know, I like girls that have beauty inside their heart, not just in the face."

She blushed dark red and stared at him, but his eyes remained closed.  Why he'd chosen to sit beside her that class, was still a mystery to her, but she appreciated him now more than ever. Normally she stayed out of his and Lu He's radius, because there was no way she could measure up to their beauty standards.  But a little bit of hope now took root.

"You're a lot more different than the usual guy, compared to what I thought," she said practically under her breath.

He opened his eyes and asked, "is that a good thing or bad?"

"Oh!" Startled she stuttered her answer, "g-g-good! Y-You seem to be more of a gentleman than most."


"Your old school charm mixed with the dangerous side, is...." She was too shy to say it.

Raising a perfect eyebrow, he finished, "sexy?"

Her positive confirmation reminded him of a bobble-head doll.  After that he went back to sleep. She woke him when class ended.  As they began to walk down the hall together, they passed two of their classmates.

"Is she Qihe's girlfriend? She's ugly." The girl gave her opinion in a scornful voice.

His bobble-head seat mate hung her head sadly, all hopes crushed instantly.  As she moved away, one of his gang members walked up. "Bro, who is she?"

Qihe stopped and gave his arm to her.  He began to answer, "she is my...."

But the girl let go of his arm, looking at the floor, "I'll buy water and be right back."

Seeing sadness on her face, before she had gone too far, Qihe grabbed her wrist and pulled her round to his side.  He finished what he was going to say, "... my girlfriend."

Her head popped up, then she smiled at him and his friend.  Shock written on her face.

"Mafia Boy not many girls capture your interest to that level."

"Facts." He acknowledged and then giving her his full attention invited, "come on, I'll go shopping with you."

"But we have class."

"It can wait."

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

Lu He was grumpy and everyone around him could feel his dark mood. His next class he put his feet up on the desk and read his notebook. He saw Chyou sit down in front of him and beside the guy who was in front of Lu He.

"Can I borrow the book?"

The guy questioned, "don't you have it?"

A girl wearing glasses, that sat in front of them, turned around and explained. "You don't understand, it's better to borrow books from people you like."

Lu He slammed his text down and they quickly focused on their own desks. "Please, go on."

But everyone stayed quiet, because the teacher arrived.  He caught Chyou unprepared for his class. "Where is your text book?"

Lu He tossed his on to her desk, "I had it with me."

Opening the book to the required chapter, she noticed something written in it and turned to look at him.  Lu He returned the glance, with a raised eyebrow in challenge.

Angered the teacher scolded, "go stand in the hall! Vandalizing school property will be reported!"

She did as told, going into the hall and standing against the wall.

To the shock of the students, Lu He stood, raised his eyebrow at the teacher, then also walked out of class and into the hall.  As he came close to Chyou, she tried to hit him.

"Where's my book?"

He captured her arm while it was in the air, using one hand.  Lu He leaned close to her ear and said, "I'll borrow it for a few days."

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now