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Although Qihe was no longer needed as a bodyguard for Zhao Xiu, his father had him assigned to be one for a girl that was nicknamed 'The Doll' by the other mafia men.  She was some government official's daughter. The Mafia Boss was working with her father, who explained that there were kidnapping threats from a suspected rival triad group called the 14K. Mr. Crane once again had Qihe memorize the dossier on Yǔxī. It was very thorough with details on the threats, her personal information and everywhere she liked to go.  It even included details on all her friends.

When Qihe was introduced to her, he understood the nickname, because her appearance was Qi Lolita. Girls who liked this style of dressing, were a combination of Japanese Lolita and Chinese Qipao. He thought she was extra cute, especially with the big eye contacts in.

"Mafia Boy will be your new body guard Yǔxī, he's the one who protected Zhao Xiu from her stalker." Mr. Chen explained to his daughter.

"Daddy I know who he is, everyone on social media knows the Crane twins." She said it with exasperation, but winked at the platinum-silver haired guy who held out his hand to her, like a prince to a princess. "Am I going to school with him too?"

"I'll work out those details after we see how well he can protect you, no offence Mr. Crane."

Qihe spoke before his father got mad. "I'm at your service, please to meet you."

"Ohh you're a true gentleman." She blushed and turned to her dad. "Now can I go to the Lolita Tea Meet-Up?"

"If Mafia Boy escorts you, then yes."

"One of my men has already been assigned to be their driver today.  Qihe knows where the car is waiting," Mafia Boss Crane said in dismissal.

"Follow me please," Qihe offered her his arm.

When they were alone, she asked, "could we go shopping first?  I want us to match, when we see the other girls. They always tease me that I'm still single."

"Whatever you want, we can do." Qihe thought they already matched, because he had worn all black; dress shirt, pants and shoes. She was in a black, white and red outfit.

Yǔxī clapped her hands happily, "I know just the place. It's on the same street as the tea shop we're going to."

"Once we're in the car, tell the driver the address."

She did exactly that and they went to the mens boutique. During the car ride, they took a selfie together. Qihe asked to see her phone a moment and joined her WeChat. On arrival, Qihe told the driver he'd call, when the car was needed again. Yǔxī put her hand on his arm, just like before and together they went into the shop.

"There are three suit jackets I want you to try on. This one, that's got the same rose red that I'm wearing as the outlining trim. The red pin stripe one and the one that has red down one side and the pocket outlines with a red pin stripe."

He had to admit, she had great taste in mens fashion. Talking to the sales person, they found the suit-jackets in his size. By a bank of mirrors, he tried on each and modelled them for her. Qihe knew which one he preferred, but waited to see what she'd pick.

"The half red one is best, both in how it fits on you and the colour." She came and stood beside him and they faced the mirrors.

"You picked the same one I liked. Does this mean we're the perfect pair?" He flirted, raising an eyebrow at her, since the black mouth mask hid his smile.

"Definitely.... But when we see the other girls, can you pretend to be my boyfriend and not a bodyguard. Having a bodyguard is so embarrassing."

"Your wish is my command," he agreed.

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now