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Tao settled into high school life quickly. Not the girls, nor the guys could figure out what gender Tao was, but the girls wanted Tao to be a guy. Tao was smart, athletic and became popular fast. Like Jiayi, Tao didn't tolerate bullies and it wasn't long for everyone to know that Tao could fight. But Tao had a high tolerance and so it took a lot for the anger to boil over. Part of that patience was because Tao really liked Lu He and wanted to get closer to him.

Just as Jiayi had predicted, Tao convinced Lu He to be a passenger on the Ninja motorcycle. They were meeting up with Jiayi and Qihe at a karaoke place, but wanted to get food first. Leaning against the motorcycle, the two of them ate fast food. The atmosphere was relaxed.

"Is Jiayi the real reason you came here?"

"I missed her a lot, but she's not the only reason."

Lu He raised an eyebrow, "care to share?"

"Tell me something about yourself first. Something not many know." Tao didn't think he would speak up.

"I can't drink as I'm allergic to alcohol. I also have a bad rose allergy. Until Jiayi came into our lives, Qihe and I didn't have a good relationship."

"Zan already told me all of that.... I want something more personal."

He realized if he wanted Tao to trust him, he'd have to show trust too. "I think I might be bisexual."

"What does Qihe think about that?"

"He doesn't care either way, as long as I don't get hurt. He was there when I kissed a guy once."

Tao nodded, "is that why you're my friend... because my gender isn't obvious?"

"No.  I like being around you. You have no expectations of me and I saw you protect me during dodge-ball. You didn't have to do that."

"Second nature or habit, I'm programmed that way.  I know you're not weak, Jiayi told me how you fought her dad with your brother. Zan says you're like him; a pacifist."

"I think most problems can be solved without violence."

"Like with hacking?" Tao grinned and disposed of their finished take-out containers.

"Who ratted?  Was it Qihe or Jiayi?"

"Zan, but to be fair he was bragging about you."

Lu He sighed. "He's a good kid, but a bit of a gossip."

"That's an understatement.... So why do you think you're bisexual?"

"Because I like you and I don't care if you're a boy or a girl."

"That doesn't make you bisexual."

"The guy I kissed, even though I was tricked into it, I liked the kiss."

"Thank you for being honest. I like you too.... I left Shanghai because my adoptive family moved and left me behind. I pretty much was living at the garage by then anyway. My situation was never as bad as Jiayi and Zan's, but similar. The team coach and assistant coach tried to assault me as part of their disciplinary action because I didn't make the World Championships. I fought back, they said I attempted to kill them. I was given a choice; move to a different district or be charged. They let me move because I have audio evidence on some of the bad shit the coaches did to me and my teammates.  I threatened to release it on social media."

"I'm glad you moved....  Before we go meet Jiayi and my brother, I want to know one thing."


"Do you plan on getting between them?"

"No and even if I tried, Jiayi wouldn't let me.  I learned that the hard way once."

Lu He smiled, "did she kick your ass?"

"Beat me until I begged her to stop, she was King for a reason. But I owe her my life and that's why I will always be on her side."

"Is it unconditional love?"

"Sort of... more like unconditional loyalty." Tao put on the motorcycle helmet and handed the spare to him. "Let's go. Can I ride faster now?"

Lu He got on behind Tao and shouted above the tailpipe noise, "I trust you. Ride however you want."

He almost regretted saying that, when she popped a wheelie on the street.  But after that Tao rode fast, but always checked before changing lanes, signalled, didn't tailgate and didn't split lanes. Zan had been right, Tao was a professional rider and he felt safe even at the speeds they travelled. Lu He still wasn't sure of Tao's gender, but knew that they'd taken a step closer. Being on the basketball team together, would also help their relationship.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

While Tao and Jiayi were doing a duet, Qihe noticed his brother's mood was odd. "Something happen between you and Tao?"

"I found out Tao is a lot like you. That's not a bad thing and maybe Tao even loves Jiayi more. Tao declared having unconditional loyalty to her because she saved Tao's life. You should ask her what that's about."

"I'm shocked you rode with Tao, figured you'd drive."

"It's the easiest way to show I trust Tao."

Qihe raised an eyebrow at his brother. "Sounds like you're into Tao.  What if Tao is a guy, will you still purse a romantic relationship?"

"Yes. I already broke up with Chyou over the phone. She agreed and said she was thinking of doing the same thing, since Chyou likes some guy in the USA now.  Also I don't care if Tao is a guy or a girl or whatever."

"Best not to put labels on yourself or others and just trust your feelings. Either way if you and Tao love each other, I'll support you both. So will Jiayi."

"Thanks... but if Tao's a guy, dad won't let me...."

"Don't worry about Dad. I have your back and I won't let him hurt either of you, if that's your choice."

Lu He hugged his brother hard and Qihe patted him on the back. He knew the turmoil that Lu He was going through. Lu He had always been more sensitive, especially when it came to their father. Leaning back out of the hug, Qihe put his forehead against Lu He's.

Tao interrupted. "It would be so hot if you twins started to make-out."

"We're not that kind of siblings," Qihe laughed. "Jiayi was right you are a perv."

"This one time when Tao passed out, I wrote pervert in black ink on Tao's forehead."

"And it took floor cleaner to get it off. I was so pissed off at you for that."

Jiayi smirked. "Tao got me back by taking off the wheels of my motorcycle. Eventually I apologized and got my wheels back."

Lu He asked, "did you at least charge her for putting the wheels back on?"

"You know it!" Tao laughed. "Since it's Friday night, let's drink at Qihe's.  I know Lu He can't drink, so he wouldn't have booze at his place and I don't want Zan to try and drink with us."

"Zan's sleeping over at his friend's place. You're right I don't have alcohol at home.  And don't worry about me, I can laugh at you three being asses."

"Alright let's go," Qihe invited.

"I'll go pay our Karaoke bill, see you in the parking lot." Lu He got up and left first.

Jiayi pulled Tao aside. "Lu He seems weird tonight, what went down between you two? Has he figured you out yet?"

"We had an honest talk before meeting up with you, but no I haven't told him my gender yet. He might get to find out tonight."

Jiayi whispered in Tao's ear. "So can I tell Qihe after midnight? It's the twins' birthday on Sunday. Zan and I are planning a surprise celebration, just us and now you.  But don't reveal that while drinking tonight."

"I won't, but maybe letting them both know about me is good timing then."

"Do I need to give you condoms when we get to Qihe's?"

"I've got some in my riding jacket, but thanks." 

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now