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Qihe wasn't needed as a security guard or bodyguard for a whole week. His father wasn't making him be anyones date either, so he had a lot of spare time, after school and on the days he skipped. He decided to find out more about his half-brother. Qihe had his friend with the motorcycle drop him off just outside the house where he'd found his father's mistress was living. That way he could tail the step-brother and find out where he went to school. While he waited for the guy to appear, Qihe overhead an exchange between his half-bro and the mother.

"Xiang Shao, take your umbrella it's supposed to rain today."

"I've got it mom, see you later!"

"Want me to drive you to school?"

"Mom, I'm not a child, I can take the transit."

"Okay okay, have a good day."

Qihe was hidden by a large tree, so he could follow Xiang Shao, without being overly suspicious. He wondered if his father had told the guy about being a mafia boss or even that he had other kids. Whatever the case was, so far there was nothing too special about Xiang Shao. As he'd told his mother, Xiang Shao got on the transit bus and rode it to a stop. There were other people in the same school uniform all getting off transit buses. So people wouldn't recognize Qihe or his school uniform, he was wearing his hoodie, with the hood up and pulled down low over his forehead. He kept Xiang Shao in view, but hung back a bit from the other school kids. The first thing Qihe noticed was that Xiang Shao didn't seem to have any friends, or at least the other kids all avoided him. Then he found out why.

"Look at who's decided to be a big boy and ride the bus to school." Sneered a guy wearing the same uniform, that was smoking a cigarette.

"Mommy too busy banging the Mafia Boss to take you to school?"

Xiang Shao kept his head down, hoping they wouldn't beat him up that day. He wished he could retaliate, but his mom had begged him not to cause problems at school.  It's not like he thought he could win a fight against five guys anyway, even if she hadn't forbidden him to do so.

"The bastard boy seems to be mute today. Grab him, let's teach him some manners."

"Please... I don't want any trouble."

"Give us all the cash you've got and maybe we'll let you go with just a warning."

Taking out his wallet, Xiang Shao handed over the money. "It's all I have."

The leader of the bullies made a decision. "You're lucky today, I can't be late or they'll suspend me. This pays passage for you for now. We'll see you after school."

Qihe was angry on behalf of Xiang Shao and wanted to beat up those that picked on the guy. But he needed more information on what was going on, so he didn't take action. He did follow the bully leader and watched him climb over a fence, telling his friends to run interference at the security gate.

"Why do we have to do that?"

"Don't you remember? The security guard said he'll make me stand by the gate until after the second bell, because I stole his cigarettes."

"Right, sorry I forgot you did that. Okay hurry up and get to class, I've got you covered."

"Thanks man."

Once the friends had left, Qihe climbed the fence too and saw the bully run across the yard and into the school building. Qihe would follow and then go up on the school roof, so they wouldn't know he was there. Hopefully it wouldn't rain, but the sky looked clear so he'd take a chance. He was prepared to pick the lock to get on the roof, but the door opened easily. Right beside the door, was a broken chair, so he wedged it in the door, just in case it locked. It was more a precaution to not get stuck on the roof. He found a few more broken chairs and desks. Behind what he guessed housed the air circulation units, is where Qihe sat down. He checked his cell phone and the guy who had dropped him off, texted that he signed in for him and answered when attendance was taken. The first class had a substitute teacher, so no one would care that he wasn't there. It had worked out better than expected.

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now