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The twins' father sent a car to pick up Jiayi, telling her that Qihe was waiting for her. She was dropped off at a chic restaurant and escorted in. When Jiayi didn't see either of the twins, she grew cautious and suspicious.

"Mr. Crane your son's girlfriend has arrived," a man explained.

"Have a seat Jiayi," the Mafia Boss instructed.

"Sir," she bowed respectfully and sat down. "Where's Qihe?"

"Not here.  If you stop seeing my son, I'll pay for university for you and your brother."

"No thank you."

"You don't seem to understand."

She stood up, completely pissed off, clenching her fists to remain respectful. "There's nothing you can offer that will make me betray Qihe. Please excuse me."

He gave a signal and his men attempted to restrain her. She defended herself, but didn't attack them. One man fell due to his balls being smashed in.  Another his eye was gouged and the third she throat punched. However when the enforcers stepped up, they quickly restrained her.

"We can have you disappear," Mr. Crane explained coldly.

"Qihe isn't stupid, he'd know it was you.  And unless you cut me up into little pieces, I would return to his side. I've been through worse and made it back to those I love, your threats mean nothing to me."

"Either you're courageous or stupid.  However today you are free to go."

She stopped struggling and then bowed respectfully to the enforcers and their boss. "Please excuse me."

"Drive her back," Mr. Crane instructed.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

"Sorry I'm late, your dad decided to have a chat with me. He said you were with him," Jiayi explained to her boyfriend.

"I'm not surprised, I guess I should've warned you.  Dad plans to pimp Lu He and I out in business marriages."

"First he tried to bribe me, then threatened me.  I hurt a few of his men, but his enforcers were just too much."

"Did you get hurt?" Qihe asked with concern.

"No. How many times will he try this?"

"If he played both cards at the same meeting, then he's done for now.  He'll try sabotaging us another way."

"Is Zan in danger?"

"If Lu He was dating you, then maybe, but I don't think so. Dad's usual pattern is to try to make us distrust each other, through some kind of scheme."

"Wont work on me. If your eyes don't lie, then I will believe in you."

"Same.  Lu He asked if we're coming over to make dinner.  Zan's been missing you."

"Wanna go?" She asked him.

"Sure, I'll give him a heads up about Dad's games."

They changed out of their school uniforms, into casual clothing, then left. Qihe drove them to Lu He's apartment. Zan was waiting for them in the lobby.  He hugged his sister.

"Can I steal Qihe for some one on one basketball? Lu He sprained his ankle earlier today."

Qihe agreed, "sure I'll take you on. Text me when dinner is ready."

They got off the elevator before Jiayi. She rang the doorbell once she arrived on Lu He's floor. "Hi, Zan went to play basketball with Qihe."

"He's been extra energetic today.  How've you been?" Lu He asked.

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin