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In the morning, Jiayi was up early, to begin preparing for the birthday feast. Zan arrived early too and helped, until Tao woke up and joined them. The three of them worked together, but with Jiayi as the head chef of course.  She sent Tao to get a few groceries she needed to make all of the favourite dishes of the twins.

"Zan, where is the gift I have for Qihe?"

"Out on the balcony, since we can't exactly wrap it."

"Make sure the twins don't go out there."

"If you don't need me anymore, after we eat breakfast, I'll take them to a game and entertainment centre."

"That's perfect and I'm sure all three of you will have a blast. Do you need money?"

"Nope, I'll be using the money you gave me that was found at dad's place.  It's one part of my gift to them."

"Just finish the spring rolls and then you're done."

"Are you making them a cake?"

She grinned, "of course. One chocolate for Lu He and a more muted sugar one with a kick for Qihe."

Tao got buzzed in by Zan and arrived with the extra groceries. "I've got gifts for the twins too, but I'll need to take a car to deliver them here."

Jiayi suggested, "why not go with the guys when they do the gaming centre? They can drop you off and you taxi it back."

"That works." Then Tao whispered in her ear, "did you consummate your relationship last night?"

Blushing Jiayi nodded confirmation. "What about you, does Lu He know you're a woman now?"

"Yup and I didn't have to teach him anything, he's quite capable in bed," Tao smirked.

Zan heard her and groaned, "T.M.I!"

Tao added with a whisper for Jiayi's ears only, "I got your text and the more you do it, the better it gets.  First few times it will hurt still, but no more bleeding."

"I'm so glad I can ask you for advice about this kind of thing."

Their private exchange ended with the arrival of the twins. The brothers wished each other a Happy Birthday first, kissed their respective women and then headed straight for the coffee. Tao and Zan set out the breakfast items, because Jiayi was busy with still making the main meal for later.  Zan told the twins what they'd be doing until late afternoon.

"Tao are you coming with us or staying to help Jiayi?" Lu He asked.

"I'm getting dropped off at home, before you guys go gaming, but I'll return to help her."

Qihe hugged his girlfriend and nuzzled her neck. "How do you feel this morning?"

"A little sore, but happy."

"You don't have to slave away today, we're both fine with ordering in," Lu He added.

Tao answered for her friend, "celebrating your lives is very important to her.  Don't take that away."

Zan explained further. "Her love for you two is in the food.  Just let my sister amaze you. She goes all out for birthdays, it's a tradition."

"There's going to be left-overs for days and that's not a bad thing," Tao agreed.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

It was around 6pm, after they were all bursting at the seams from eating too much, including the cakes.  Then it was time to do the gift giving. They had the twins sit separate, so each could be given a gift to unwrap at the same time.

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang