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[TIME JUMP:  To Last Week of the Final Semester of Junior High School]

To the relief of the principle and many of the teachers, the Crane twins would be moving on to Senior High School.  Most of the teachers did like Lu He as he was a model student, it was his twin that they disapproved of.  Exams were completed, marks were in, but there was still a week of classes left.  Most teachers wouldn't care if the students didn't pay attention to them, it was expected.  However there were a select few that let the power of being a teacher go to their head.  Both Qihe and Lu He wouldn't back down if a teacher was out of line and stood up for what was fair.

Not surprisingly it was the Physic's teacher that Lu He told off. The teacher had been picking on Chyou and Feifei, which angered Lu He.  In the end the whole class clapped as the power tripping teacher was put in their place.  Lu He got sent to the principle's office, who just told him to wait until his next class and avoid the Physic's teacher for the rest of the day.

In Politics class, the teacher had threatened to revoke their graduation certificates, if the class didn't settle down and behave. Qihe beat Lu He to say something. He educated the teacher how invalid that threat was and compared her to North Korea's President Kim Jong-un. The teacher was so angry and humiliated that she left the class, not caring if it was unattended.

"Wow your brother can be scary with his words too," Chyou observed. "It was almost like debate class or like he was giving a verbal essay.  I've never witnessed something like that before."

Fai laughed, "yeah but his arguments were valid and she was being ridiculous!"

Lu He glanced at his twin, who had his feet up on a desk, chair rocked back on two legs and appeared to be sleeping with his arms crossed.  He knew that wasn't the case, but it kept the other students from bothering him.  It was a smart move, which was expected from a master strategist like Qihe.

The principle was giving the graduating class an hour to clean out their lockers, before they had to attend the last class of the day.  Lu He and Qihe had very little in their lockers. The text books had been returned after the last exam in each class.  Lu He had some notes and tests, which he gave to girls in the grade below him, to help them in their graduating semester. Qihe had one of his gang clean out his locker, with the instructions to throw everything into the garbage.  For that hour, he went to play basketball.

It was finally the last subject. Qihe went to the class, as he had gone to every one of them so far that day, because it was funny that he was showing up on the last day.  Most of the teachers understood the humour behind it, but even the ones it annoyed, left him alone.

Lu He was in his last class too, just socializing with everyone. Chyou pretended to try and whip a paper plane at him.  He didn't even flinch.  Crossing his arms, he raised an eyebrow in challenge to her and said, "try it."

Chyou smiled sweetly at him and then threw the paper plane, which he dodged and it flew out the class window.  She went to see where it had flown and saw it hit a teacher in the face. The teacher looked up and saw Chyou.  

He pointed to her and yelled, "come down here right now!"

She decided to obey. On arrival in front of the angry man, he yelled at her, "which class are you in?"

Before Chyou could answer, another paper plane hit the teacher in the back of his head. The teacher turned around and there was Lu He holding a paper plane.  He threw the one he had in his hand, right at the teacher, then a large group of kids (from their class and the neighbouring one) let sail a whole fleet of paper planes.  Lu He walked past the enraged teacher, with a smile so big that his eyes became half moon slits.

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