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For the most part Suyin stayed under Qihe's radar.  She only gained his attention when with her brother or if in trouble.  After his warning that Bohai could get expelled due to her, she didn't invite situations where she needed to be rescued.  The whole school gossiped about who she dated, whether it was a girl or a guy, so Suyin knew that Qihe was aware of her.  Suyin sometimes followed him, taking pictures or videos of his fights.  As weeks went by, she wanted to be closer to him and that meant being his girlfriend.  The opportunity arose accidentally.

Suyin was participating in dodgeball during gym class.  Normally she dominated the game, but today it seemed like everyone was picking on her.  The hit that took her out of the game, also got her sent to the nurse.  Blood gushed from her nose and she prayed that it wasn't broken, since the pain was intense.

Suddenly Qihe was beside her in the hall, handing a pile of tissues to her. "You've got blood on your uniform.  How'd it happen?"

"Dodgeball hit my face."

"You'll get a black eye most likely."

"Qihe do you think my nose is broken?"

"Don't know, the nurse might tell you." He lead her there and waited outside the door to hear the results.

Suyin was upset as she came out from seeing the nurse and couldn't help the tears. "It's broken! I don't want to have a crooked nose!"

"The nurse put a splint on it and you can always follow up with a doctor.  It won't be crooked," Qihe comforted her and put an arm around her shoulders. "Did you get permission to go home now or are you returning to class?"


"I'll take you to see the doctor I use."

She stopped walking. "You mean someone has broken through your defences? Who? When?"

He rose an eyebrow at her incredulous voice. "I'm not GOD, so of course occasionally I get hurt in a way a doctor is needed." Qihe called a taxi and they drove to his doctor's office.  Once there he explained the situation to the receptionist nurse.

"We will take good care of her," the nurse said as she lead Suyin to an examination room.

Qihe sent a voice message to Bohai, so her brother wouldn't be alarmed when she was found missing from school.  Once Suyin was released from his doctor's office, Qihe took her home.

"Do you know who threw the ball that did the damage?" He asked her.

"Yes, but don't do anything, it was probably accidental."

He shrugged, "it's your choice.  If you want to retaliate tell me and not your brother."

"Thank you Qihe... for everything." She grabbed his arm as he turned to leave, "do you think I deserved this hit?"

He turned around to face her. "No.  You've been a good girl lately.  What makes you say that?"

"It felt intentional.  So I thought that it was the students punishing me."

"Just because you love in more ways than most, doesn't mean you deserved a ball to the face.  If you want me to find out if it was intentional, tell me the name of who did it."

"Promise that no harm will come to that person, unless I ask for it?"

"I promise."

She told him the girl's name.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

True to his word, Qihe found out the intentions of the girl who had indirectly broken Suyin's nose.  She had been correct in guessing that she'd been targeted purposely and that others planned to do the same.  He kept it to himself and only told her what he'd discovered.  However she didn't want him to take revenge on her behalf, choosing to forgive the girl, rather than create another confrontation.

The only way Qihe knew how to protect Suyin and thus indirectly her brother Bohai, was to make her his girlfriend.  No one would dare to mess with her, in fear of Mafia Boy's retaliation.  It also gave her protection on the streets, outside of school.

He waited until her nose had healed, and then said, "Suyin I want you to be my girlfriend."


"Because I like you."

She didn't believe him. "What angle are you playing?"

"No hidden agenda." Leaning towards her, he lifted his mask and then Qihe's lips stamped his possession on Suyin.

Not wanting to seem too eager, but also liking that he'd be hers, she returned the kiss.  Opening her mouth, Suyin's tongue welcomed Qihe's.  The kiss naturally deepened, because they were both talented with their tongues.

Qihe ended the kiss, "is that a yes?"

She nodded in confirmation. "I thought you only tolerated me because of Bohai."

"I wanted to respect him, by not hitting on his sister.  But he's been trying to set us up a few times."

Suyin smiled, "so you noticed that too huh?  He had my cell number labelled Girlfriend in your phone and yours in mine as Boyfriend."

"He's not very subtle, but he meant well," Qihe admitted.

"So you really like me?" Suyin asked.

"Yes, I really do."

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

Just as expected, the students left Suyin alone, now that they all knew she was Mafia Boy Qihe's girlfriend.  At first the new couple just did the usual boyfriend/girlfriend things, like going to dinner and movies.  Their intimacy generally consisted of holding hands, kissing and touching. But Suyin wanted a deeper hold on him and so encouraged their union.  She teased him, with words and glimpses of her lingere or intentional body contact.  Eventually that game was won by her, but really Qihe had been playing so that they would both win.  He had lied previously, because he'd been interested in her from the start.

As usual he wore a condom, when they had sex in his room.  Although he knew she wasn't a virgin to begin with, Qihe was impressed with her love making skills.  Thereafter they were intimate almost every day after school and on weekends.  They became closer than any of his other previous girlfriends.  He introduced her to Lu He and his half-brother Xiang Shao too.

On a dinner double date with Lu He and Chyou, Suyin asked, "will I get to meet your mom and dad too?"

"It's hard for even us to see them, they're always busy," Lu He explained, before Qihe agreed to set it up.

Something in his brother's tone of voice bothered Qihe, but then Suyin distracted him when her lips found his erogenous zone on his neck.

Chyou grinned, "can you two love birds at least wait until Lu He and I have left?"

"Does Lu He get turned on when you kiss him here too?" Suyin teased and pointed to where her lipstick had left a mark.

"He does... must be the twin connection." Chyou blushed and stuffed a forkful of fish into her mouth.

Lu He changed the subject. "So you decided to stick to modelling and not acting Chyou?"

"Yeah.  The acting was affecting my grades.  But since I'm going next year to the USA on that exchange program, Seven Cranes said I can do modelling there and got me a short term contract with an agency in the US.  It has girls working for Harper's Bazaar, Elle and Cosmopolitan.  I'm excited and decided to take an after school college level English course too."

Lu He sighed, "so that means we'll see each other even less, before you go."

Suyin saw Chyou get upset. "Don't worry, I'll keep him entertained for you in your absence Chyou."

Qihe agreed, "we promise he won't be lonely."

"Thanks guys, but if he really doesn't want me to go, I'll decline it all."

Lu He frowned, "I'd never keep you from doing something you really want.  You've told me from the start that an exchange program in the US, was your top goal."

"I know, sorry I didn't mean it to sound like you were restricting me or a jerk like that."

Qihe reassured, "he knows that.  Anyway you two will have lots of time between now and when you have to leave.  Just enjoy every moment together."

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now