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"What's your progress status for snaring Ping as your girl?"

"Failure on all fronts.  We chat about homework and you.  She doesn't seem interested."

"Girls like spontaneous affection. Try giving her flowers for no other reason than you're happy to see her."

"Qihe does that seriously work?"

"Yes, if she doesn't have flower allergies.  Everyone gives flowers on certain days like Valentine's Day or Birthdays, few just do it because."

"Because what?"


Xiang Shao groaned, "I'm confused."

"Random gifts given out because you think of her when you see the item, means more to a girl, then when you have to give a gift.  It shows you pay attention to what she likes.  Remember what I told you before; if you make the girl happy first, she will always repay that happiness two fold. Find out her favourite food, scent, colour, music, whatever."

"But how do I do that? Do I just ask her with no context?"

"You can, but leading into it is more natural.  How does she wear her hair; with a hair elastic or a pin?"

"Sometimes a hair elastic, but mostly it's just without anything."

"What colour or style was the air elastic?"

"I don't remember."

"Next time she wears one, ask to borrow it. Then return the hair tie wrapped around some flowers or lollypops or whatever sweets she likes. That's a 2-for-1 win."

"Okay, I get it.  She wears a lot of dark purple stuff too."

"Buy her a dark purple sweater or hoodie. Or you wear one of either and if she likes it, give it to her that way."

"You're smart and devious Qihe."

"That's what will make you successful.  Protect her when you can; from rain, bullies, wind, cold. The more you do things for her, the more easy it will become."

"How do you know all this stuff?"

Qihe shrugged, "I've always had strong observational skills and that gets applied to all aspects of my life, especially girls and fighting." They continued walking to the basketball courts. "Has father said anything more to you about me or your extended family?"

"No, I tried to ask him once and Mom got upset, so he told me never to ask about you guys again... or else."



"No, Dad."

"I told Ping we were playing a game here today.  Do you think she will come?"

"Probably. Here go get two bottles of ice tea and one water. When she arrives, if we're not in the middle of a play, give her one of the ice teas." Qihe handed some cash to his half brother. "Tell her that you wanted to thank her for giving us drinks the last time."

Xiang Shao grinned and jogged off to get the drinks. On his return he saw Ping. By the time he came to where Qihe was waiting, Ping was already drinking the ice tea.

"Hi Ping, how've you been?"

"No trips to the roof top lately," she smiled.

Qihe winked. "Good to hear that.... Bro, it's a cash game today too. Did you bring enough?"

"Yeah, did you already hand yours over?"

"Yes. Tell the tall guy you'll play on the skins team."

Ping caught Qihe's eye and he raised an eyebrow at her.  When Xiang Shao was out of hearing range she said, "why does he have to say that?"

"So that you can see him shirtless again.  I saw your reaction last time and it was amusing."

"You're savage."

Xiang Shao returned, "game starts in five minutes. You're on the shirts team, so we're opponents."


"Ping I bought snacks too, so just take what you want out of the bag." Xiang Shao handed her a plastic bag.  He took off his shirt and dumped it on top of his backpack. Then went to join his team.

Qihe grinned, even though it wasn't seen. "You're drooling Ping."

"Shut up, I am not.  I hope his team wins."

Qihe laughed and went out onto the court.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

After the basketball game ended, Qihe, Ping and Xiang Shao drank and ate what was bought earlier.  That's when Ping realized she left her cell phone in her locker at school.

"We'll walk back with you, right Qihe?" Xiang Shao volunteered.

"Sure." He agreed. "You two won't see me around for a while after this, Dad's got me doing some security gigs and I've got modelling and commercial work coming up."

"Damn you're the busiest teen I know," Ping said.

"One day I'll come to your school to hang out," Xiang Shao promised.

Qihe smiled, "text the day you plan to come by, so that I actually go to classes."

Ping laughed, "you're such a bad boy."

When they returned to the school grounds, Qihe stayed on the outside of the gate, as did his half-brother, while they waited for Ping to return.  Qihe was leaning on one side of a pillar, as he talked about the game with his brother.  He saw Ping walking towards them.

"Here she comes," Qihe notified.

As expected Xiang Shao turned around to see and that's when Qihe pushed him.  Ping was surprised, because Xiang Shao ended up pining her up against the pillar, to avoid them both falling.  She looked up at him with wide eyes.

"I like you," Xiang Shao blurted.  Then dropping one hand to her shoulder, he asked, "will you be my girlfriend Ping?"

She didn't even hesitate in answering, "yes and I like you too."

Qihe smiled, turned and walked away, hands in his pockets.  His mission to help his half-brother get the girl, had been successfully completed.

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now