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Even though he was still angry with his father, the payment he got for being a bodyguard was larger than expected. The money he saved, so he could move out and live by himself in the near future. Dealing with his father's infidelity and keeping the secret from his mother and brother, made life a little hard at home. Qihe couldn't relax.

His bodyguard services weren't needed for Yǔxī again, until later that month. His orders were to watch out for retaliation from 14K, while she went out after school with her friends. Her school uniform remind him a little bit of Sailor Moon. Yǔxī smiled and did the hand movements that went with being Sailor Moon.

"For halloween last year I was Sailor Mars, so it's funny that you said that. Here come my friends."

"You didn't tell us that Mafia Boy Qihe was coming with you!"

"Wow, you're much more handsome in person, than in those cat food commercials I've seen."

Yǔxī put a possessive hand on his arm. "The twins have done modelling too, I'm sure you've all drooled over those pictures."

"Do you act in dramas like Lu He does?" A girl with a short boyish bob, asked.

"No, just commercials and modelling. I'm too busy for more than that."

"What, playing e-sports?" The red-haired girl asked snidely.

"I do play, but I'm between teams right now. My time is taken mostly working security or being a bodyguard. That's how I met Yǔxī."

"Aren't you too young to be working as security or whatever?"

He shrugged, pinning the girl who was questioning him, with his eyes. She looked away first, so he didn't answer. "So where are we off to Yǔxī?" He asked, leading the attention back to their friend.

"Karaoke! But don't worry, I won't make you sing with us."

"Any of your boyfriends joining us?" Qihe asked the other girls.

They giggled and only one girl answered. "They don't have boyfriends, but I do. He'll come get me in an hour or so. He hates karaoke."

They gossiped about boys for a while, then got on a bus to get to the karaoke location.  When the bus jolted, Qihe protectively put his arm around Yǔxī's waist, so she didn't fall. He kept it there for the remainder of the ride, because she leaned her back against his front. Was he playing her boyfriend again? She hadn't requested that, so maybe she just took comfort from his presence. It could be that Yǔxī was still anxious from her kidnapping experience earlier that month.

On arrival at the karaoke place, he paid for two hours in a karaoke room. The girls then purchased drinks and food. They chose songs and then got to the singing. Most of them were decent, but Yǔxī and her closest friend were the best singers. He caught both trying to impress him and thought it was sweet. He normally wasn't interested in this type of girl, but he did admit they were super cute. Their flirting was a little more childish than what girls normally did around him, but it wasn't a total turn off. Still he was on the job, so he couldn't react to any of it.

Close to the end of the two hours, Yǔxī got a call and motioned for Qihe to follow her out the door. "The driver had to park down the street a little, can you walk me to the car?"

"Sure, have you said your good-byes?"

"Give me a minute." She darted back into the room and then emerged with her little purse. "All set."

They walked out together, but he was in front of her.  She came up and tapped his shoulder. Stopping he turned around. Yǔxī motioned him closer.  He leaned down, so his head was nearer to her.  She kissed his forehead.

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now