Chapter 1

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(A/N) Hey guys, this is my first fan fic so please don't judge and I will take any helpful suggestions to make my work better
(Y/N) =your name
(L/N) = last name
(H/C) =hair colour
(H/L) = hair length
(E/C) = eye colour
(F/C) = favourite colour
"Here's you coffee."

"Oh, thanks"

You ordered coffee from (favourite/coffee/shop). And was enjoying yourself listening to some k-pop and doing your so called hobby, song writing. Until you heard someone calling your name


You looked up from your note book to see your friend, Andi, run into the shop "Guess what I have?!?" She screamed

"I don't know, a new phone?" I guessed

"Nope" she replied popping the 'P' "I got 2 tickets to the upcoming VIXX show this weekend!"

You gasped "No way!!!!"
"Oh, yeah, so do you wanna come or what?!" She asked excitedly

You thought for a moment thinking about you schedule

Meh. I have nothing better to do than make my 6th song this weekend.

"Sure I'd love to come!" By that time you grinning from ear to ear

"OMG I can't wait I'll pick you up around 4:15" She said

"Sure I'm free all weekend" you replied with a shrug. You pack up your stuff and head outside with Andi but part ways as you walking home

Time Skip~~~~~~
It was Saturday afternoon around 3:50

Ok, Andi would be here any second considering that she was really excited about this event I think I better get ready

You get out of you pajamas and but on a (f/c) top with a black leather jacket with some gold studs on the shoulder sleeve, ripped jeans and some sneakers. You then heard a loud honking in front of you house and a loud screaming to follow

"COME ON (Y/N) HURRY UP OR WERE GONNA BE LATE! IT STARTS AT 5:00!!" You then look at the alarm clock by you bed

Sure, we're totally going to be late it's 3:50

You then run down to the front entrance and jump into the front seat of Andi's car

Time skip~~~~~~
"I can't wait until they start! We got such a great view!" Andi exclaimed excitedly

She was right about that you were right I front of they stage. So close that you might be even to touch the stage. You look around to see you many people are in the crowd. You see possible 450 fans watching the stage

Wow there's so many people that came they must be really popular if they have this -

You were about to finish you thought until you hear screams and cheers from not only the fans but Andi to. You looked at the stage and saw VIXX come onto the stage

Time Skip~~~~~~
You and Andi were rocking out to their music until you heard the leader, N announce something before their next song

"Ok this is a new song and we've never performed it before, please enjoy!"

You were sad but sort of happy you were sad that the show was going to end but you we also happy when you thought about you were going to be the first set of people to hear this new song

They started playing their song untill you thought

This song seems so familiar I swear I could have heard it before...

Untill it hit you. You looked at them and thought

This is my song

N X Reader X Leo (VIXX) - Ghost Writer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now