Chapter 43

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MY BRAIN CANT THINK ABOUT WHAT TO DO NEXT!!! Writers block suck.... Think I'm gonna end this book soon...
(Large) Time Skip~~~~~~
I've been with VIXX for almost 7 months...
Today was the day that you were going to meet the big boss man of jelly fish entertainment! Erin was going to pick you up pain the van around 9:30
You jumped out of bed and quickly got changed into a brown/black/grey blazer, (f/c) loose fitting shirt with a large black/white heart on the front, a (2/f/c) pleated mid-thigh skirt, and some flats. You exited your room, with a bag filled with your necessary items, such as a phone, sunglasses, wallet, and dorm keys. You walked over to Ravi's room
"Hey Ravi"
The door open and Ravi was wearing more professional clothes
"I'm up"
You smiled
"Good, your girl friends coming soon"
"Yeah, I know"
Ever since Choi was introduced you've gotten more and more popular, but never talked to your former co-workers except for Alex who you kept in touch with every now and then.
You went straight to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee for you, Leo, And Ken but left a banana milk, with the mugs filled with coffee on the counter, for N.
You grabbed your phone out of your bag and went to see how your songs were doing. The team was getting their inspiration back but still needed your help every now and then. You've made 6 major hits Can't be You, Online Hit, Somewhere, Trouble to Me, Outside, and Alone Again. Each having their own meaning.
You made yourself some pancakes and left some for the band and sat down on the couch reading the ships and photos that the paparazzi has taken of you keeping the ships from stopping.
Hm, just ChoN, and Cheo now...
You were seen every where but yet they never knew your name, the fans were stressing about it and saying that you should just come out
Pft, as if that's ever going to happen
You ate in silence as Ken came beside you and opened his mouth. You cut a separate slice and gave it to him as you showed him the tweets, comments, and haters.
"Hey Ken?"
"I was wondering, are you going to tell the producer about me?"
He sighed
"Maybe, he's probably going to ask us about it and we're going to have to tell him..."
You nodded
"What's going to happen to me?"
"I-I don't know"
We both looked at the ground in silence but you poked your head up
"We'll just have to see! Let's make the most of it until we get there, ok?"
Ken gave you a gentle smile and you continued onto YouTube to watch your own and other groups
Time Skip~~~~~~
We arrived at the main building of JellyFish entertainment and was waiting I front of the producers office. We fixed up our outfits and huddled
"Ok, how are we going to tell about (Y/n) if we have to?"
There was a silence in our circle
I sighed
"We'll just have to go with the flow and hope for the best..."
I looked at (Y/n) with a small saddens in her eyes but she smiled trying to reassure me
"Ok let's go in, (Y/n) you stay behind and wait out here"
She nodded and I knocked on the door waiting for an answer
"Come in"
We walked into the room single filled and waited for Erin to start talking or at least someone.
"How's my favourite k-pop band?"
We all smiled and nodded while agreeing
"Well, I would like you to meet my daughter Grace and Melanie, I hope that you're okay with having fans meet you at the moment and listen in"
I smiled
"It's not a problem at all"
The producer gave me a smile back and waved his daughters into the room. They were both were wearing a lot of make up mainly on their eyes he walked up to them and stood in between them
"This is Grace"
She was wearing a tank top with sleeveless flannel, booty shorts and high boots. She waved at us and winked at me and Ravi. I watched as Erin gave her a glare for winking at her boyfriend in secret.
The producer pushed his other daughter forward a bit
"And this is my daughter Melanie"
She was wearing a tight short dress with many necklaces and wedges. She also waved and winked at Leo and Hong Bin while I rolled my eyes at her
"Ok, back to the topic"
We all had our focus back onto him as he sat back down at his desk
"I've noticed a difference..."
"Excuse me? What do you mean difference?"
"I meant in your music, about 7 months ago they began to change"
"What do you mean change?"
We all gave him a questioning look
"I'm talking about how your music doesn't have the same feel"
We kept those faces to make him keep on going
"You used to sing them with passion like you actually meant it now it sounds a little fake. Would you like to explain?"
We all looked down but I stepped forward
"I sorry to inform you sir but, we lost inspiration and needed help so we got a ghost writer to help us"
I looked over at the girls who weren't paying attention to us at all only just taking photos of us
"Hm... I see. Do you have her here?"
We all nodded and let Erin get the door for her. The girls were now paying attention to us and looked at the door.
(Y/n)was wearing lensless glasses to keep her identity just in case.
The producer inspected her by the at she acted to the situation, how she was dressed, and how she was feeling
(Y/n)'s POV
"Hi, I'm the producer for this group. I was informed that you are their supposed ghost writer?"
You smiled and stood up straight
"Yes, I am their ghost writer"

N X Reader X Leo (VIXX) - Ghost Writer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now