Chapter 12

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See this photo? If not do it now! This is your co-worker ALEX!! Yay new people (Y/n) meet Alex. Alex meet (Y/n)! Ok,ok back to the story!
"I need you to get VIXX for me"
"What do you mean by you want them?"
"Anything from clothing choices to secrets"
"So, you want me to stalk them?"
You nodded and started walking for the door
"Oh and one more thing"
You kept on looking forward
"Don't keep a secret with them, you have to tell us everything"
Guilt, guilt is taking over me. But it's something I have to keep no matter what. It's their decision to tell the pres or not,. Not my decision.
You nodded and kept on walking to your desk
"Hey (Y/n)"
You looked back towards the voice and noticed that Alex called you
"How was the meeting with the boss?"
"It was ok"
"A good 'ok' or a bad 'ok'?"
"A good one"
"So what did he talk to you about?"
"He just gave me another assignment"
"Probably a really important assignment if he had to call you in"
"Yeah it's pretty big"
"So what is it about"
"Just about stalking some boy band and getting close to them"
Alex gave you a confused look
"You following some people?"
"Yeah, what's with that look?
"Nothing. Just that your not the first person to think of as stealthy"
"And why do you say that?"
"You trip on your own feet, you make loud noises, you drop every thing , basically your really clumsy."
"Well you didn't have to give examples..."
"Hey guys!!!"
You and Alex turned your heads and saw Andi running toward you
"What are you guys talking about?"
"(Y/n) got a new assignment from the boss"
"Ooo, what is it about"
"Oh I'm just supposed to be stalking this K pop band"
"Which one? girls generations, A pink, BTS, EXO?"
"Oh I'm supposed to be friends with VIXX"
Suddenly your response from Andi was a high pitched scream
"OMG, are you really going to meet them and be friends with them?"
"Oh I wish I could be you!"
Pft , you wish I have to much drama in my life already
"Yeah I'll be going to all of their meetings, shows, and shoots"
Andi started to pout
"Why do always get the fun stuff?"
"So says you! You always get to eat food for free and you get paid to eat and try new food!"
A light pink shade was dusted on Andi's face
"Ok girls stop fighting, (Y/n) needs to find some info on VIXX, Andi needs to look for some new restaurants and I need to research for the next fashion show"
"Yeah,yeah I'm going back to my desk now I'll see you guys later"
"'Kay see ya later"
Time skip~~~~~~
"Hey guys I'm home!"
You looked around the room and found no one was there. You walked up to the kitchen counter and found a note

Hey (Y/n),
We're at the recording studio for your new song. You can eat with out us, we're going to come home really late so just do your own thing.

Okay I'll just go make my self some diner... Unless I want some pizza! Yeah pizza sounds good oh and maybe with a pop! Perfect!
You walked over to the fridge and opened the door but paused
What the...
In the fridge was piles of banana milk
Why? Just why? I'll have to ask them later
You grabbed your pop and shut the door tight
Time skip~~~~~~
It's been about 3 hours since I got home. What are they doing?
You were on your phone watching YouTube until you got a text
Hyuk: hey (y/n)... We kinda need your help

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