Chapter 38

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Sorry short chapter, like last time I'm kinda busy today
"Okay we are going to the water park on his birthday"
Time Skip~~~~~~
You heard some foot steps come closer to and stop when they were near you and Hong Bin's voice
"(Y/n)! Get up"
You felt a tap on your shoulder then a shake
"Go away! I'm trying to sleep!"
"Come on, we're going to be late!"
"What are we doing again?"
"Are you serious? We're holding a fan meet and greet with the fans for Hyuk, and N's birthday"
"Oh yeah..."
You slowly sat up
"Do I have to go?"
Hong Bin sighed
"Don't forget that you have that job of getting facts and stuff about us"
"True... But I think I wanna go to office instead"
"Sorry, but I don't want to be getting glares from VIXX fan girls from N's birthday"
"But there'll be cake..."
"I'll just live stream it ok? I really think I should go to see my boss"
Hong Bin pouted
"Fine... No cake for you"
"Then I'll just buy my own cake. And anyways I didn't really get to see my boss yesterday so I want to see him today without any distractions"
"Do you promise you'll stream it?"
"Yeah I promise"
You heard Hong Bin leave the room while you fell back asleep
Time Skip~~~~~~
You were watching to your phone while you walked through the doors. You glanced at Alex coming to you
"Hey (Y/n), you're hear again"
"Yeah, yeah I'm trying to watch a video"
"Well can you at least tell me what you're doing here?"
"I'm here to see the boss, I didn't get to see him yesterday. So I want to see him today"
Time Skip~~~~~~
You were walking towards Klien's office while getting a few glares from when you bumped into them when you were coming in.
You knocked on the door waiting for a response
"State your name and business"
"(Y/n) (L/n) here for a job check up"
"Come in"
You opened the door and stood in the door way while you closed it
"Come over here"
He pointed at a seat and you hesitated to sit but did so
"I'be seen the news lately..."
He spun the computer around showing you the same article that Andi showed you
"Mystery girl? I'm not sure if I should allow this or not"
You hung your head
"Are you going to fire me?"
"Maybe, you were supposed to be friend them not become their love interest, with all of them!"
"Well not all of them, I don't really give Ravi that much uattention"
"But it seems that o give a lot of attention to N, Hyuk, and Leo"
"Yeah, I get that a lot from the boys"
"Journalist are sneaky and always follow their prey and gather information about them"
"But, I have information about hem that no will know since I'm the mystery girl"
"You're getting more and more popular and I don't want a huge paparazzi in front of my building wanting photos of you coming in"
"What do you expect me to do?! You just want me to leave them and never speak to them again and just stalk them"
"So what do you want?!"
"I... I don't really know, all I rally know is hat you're on the edge of being fired"
"Thank you... I think"
"Don't worry it's a good thing but don't go doing that flirty thing again"
"I promise I wont"
Time Skip~~~~~~
"Hey guys..."
You slouched onto the couch and let your head fall back on to the back board
"Hard day?"
N sat beside you
"Yeah... I almost got fired"
You saw N jump in surprise
"I don't really know... Something about being your love interest and the paparazzi always being with me if I get really popular"
"Makes sense"
"I guess"

N X Reader X Leo (VIXX) - Ghost Writer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now