Chapter 30

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"What are you doing here?!"
"I'm here for work! What are you doing here?"
"My sister dragged me over here! I thought you were busy today..."
"I am busy today, I work with VIXX"
"So what? You're famous now?"
"More than you at least!"
"What do-"
Stephanie put her hand on Antony's lip and shushed him
"Okay guys, enough fighting! I don't know how you guys met, but can you please not fight"
"He started it..."
Memories began flooding into your mind and you looked at the ground. You glanced over at the table and saw that they were almost done forgetting everybody out
"Hey... I gotta go. I'll see you guys later"
You started to walk over to the table while your friends and Antony said bye. You walked over to N
"Hi, you guys almost done?"
"Yeah almost there are a little more people coming out, it'll only be a minuet or two"
You sat down and the time passed with you thinking about what happened between you and Antony and how close you were to spilling your secret.
"Hey (Y/n), we're ready to go now"
You got out of the chair you were sitting in and followed the team. You went to every group and gave them gifts such as chocolates and CDs and told them to watch over you guys. The last stop was SNSD (Girls generation), N handed them a cd and chocolate and gave them their well known chant. The boys walked away while you and N stayed back
"OMG, Yuri I'm your biggest fan!"
"Really? That's nice to know!"
You smiled
"Yeah, I really like the dances and your voice!"
"Thank you, I see your close to VIXX, how do you know them?"
"Oh, I'm their assistant manager. I just follow them around and see what they do"
"So are you seen in the media very much"
"Well... Only once, I was shown on a tv show with them"
"Really? Tell me about it"
It's been a few minuets... I'm going to go ask her
"Hey, Seo hyun"
"Hm? Hi, your the leader, right?"
I rubbed my neck and smiled
"I've seen your work, it's very interesting"
"Thanks, anyways can I pull you aside for a moment?"
We walked towards a bathroom hall where no one was around. And I stood in front of her
"So, what did you need?"
"Hm... I know we just met"
"And I heard a lot of good things about you"
She smiled
"And maybe, if you wanted to, would you like to go out sometime?"
(Y/n)'s POV
"Yeah,it was really nice to meet,p you! I'll text you later!"
"Kay I'll see you later"
The trip back is going to take a while.... Yeah Ima go to the bath room just in case
You walked towards the bathroom and heard some voices, it was a man and a woman talking. You recognized the voices and leaned against a wall so they couldn't hear you
"Maybe, if you wanted to, would you like to go out sometime?"
You looked down and walked away as quietly as possible
What's wrong with me? Me and N are just friends... Right?
You walked outside to find everyone but you and N in the van waiting
"Come on (Y/n)! Hurry up! I'm hungry"
"Ok, ok"
The best thing for me to do right now is to pretend nothing's wrong
You got into the car and waited for N to come back
"Maybe, if you wanted to, would you like to go out sometime?"
Seo hyun looked at me with a surprise face but soon returned to a frown
"N, I know your a real nice guy and all"
I nodded
"But I don't think we can have a relationship"
"We can hide it! We can make sure that no one finds out! We can hide it from our bosses, managers, friends, family, media-"
"Stop! Just stop, whenever I start developing feelings for someone I can't hold it in... I don't want to ruin your reputation or my own reputation"
I looked down at the floor
"I'm sorry N, it's just not that, I don't know how to say it but, I don't have feelings for you. But I bet you can find some that's better than me"
I nodded and walked to the van
"hey guys"
"Hey, what happened?"
I sighed
"Nothing, it nothing"
"Okay if you say so"
I looked at (Y/n) but she didn't look back at me she just looked out the window
(Y/n)'s POV
You looked out the window and checked your phone and looked at all the photos you took at the meeting, but stopped at a photo of N doing the cute pose
Maybe we are just friends, I'll just keep it at that. He'll probably be better with whoever he was talking to
You continued to flip through your photos that brought back the recent memories of the meeting.
Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Hey Erin I need to talk to you"
"Yeah, what's up?"
"I was wondering what's VIXX's schedule was for the next bit..."
"Oh not much, we mostly just have practices, vocals, more practicing, going to the gym, maybe a TV show inter view, and then a concert at the end. Why?"
"Oh ummm..."
Flash back
It was a warm summer day and you were playing in your back yard
"Letitia! Wait for me!"
You chased after a little girl in a pink dress playing around with you
"You'll never catch me!"
You and Letitia laughed. Until she tripped and began crying
"Are you okay?"
"No.... I want mommy!"
"Mrs.Lee! Letitia needs you!"
A woman came running with your mother and kneeled over Letitia and tried to calm her down
"What happened?"
"We were playing tag and then she fell..."
You mom nodded and turned to Letitia. A few minuets later Letitia was smiling and laughing again. You wanted this moment to last forever you were in you favourite place, you were with your mom, you were playing with your best friend. But the years passed and you were in high school. You were popular but had no real friends except Letitia who stuck by you for the longest time.
"Hey Letitia, what are you going to do with your life after high school?"
"Well I want to do what ever makes me happy, what my passion is"
"And what's your passion?"
"I love to dance..."
"Yeah, I've seen you, you're really good... I don't know what I'm going to do with my life"
"I thought you liked writing"
"I do but what I like performing arts"
"Yeah, my mom has heard me sing a few months ago and since then she's signed me up"
"Really? Show me!"
You looked at her and closed your eyes and sang (f/song)
"I've never heard you sing before... Oh maybe we can do a duet"
You laughed
"I don't think I'll make it, like you said, I'm going to stick with writing and just do singing as a part time thing"
"Oh, that's a shame putting your talent to the side"
"Hey! I have a talent to write as well!"
"Yeah, yeah, are we going?"
"Yeah I'm coming"
You followed Letitia to her house and continued to be friends. You and Letitia were friends until you graduated with the awards for English and Music.
End of Flash back
"Well, a friend once told me to do what makes me happy, what my passion is... Well I found my passion"
"And what do you want to do?"
"I want to sing and make music"

N X Reader X Leo (VIXX) - Ghost Writer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now