Chapter 40

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You closed your eyes and traveled to the dream world
Time Skip~~~~~~~
Your eyes flutter open to find everyone passed out every where and something wet on your leg
What the
Your eyes traveled down to you leg to see Hyuk drooling on you. You shook your leg and tried to get him off
"Huh? Mm.. What?"
You tried to bend down but remembered that Leo was on your shoulder quietly said
"Hyuk, get off me! Your drooling down my leg"
He moved and went back to sleep
Geez these guys are lazy!
You went to look for your phone but saw your plastic bag on the table so you stretched out your leg and grabbed the bag to get your phone. You went on your (social/media) and looked at fan's account. You scrolled down to find a certain post from the fan

@VIXX_4_LIFE hey guys I think we should name the girl Choi! @VIXX_4_LIFE yessss!

@VIXX_4_LIFE the ships could be
-ChoN (N)
-Choeo (Leo)
-Keoi (Ken)
- Ravoi(Ravi)
-Choi Bin (Hong Bin)

@vIxX YASSS so cute @VIXX_4_LIFE
You kept on scrolling down to see the shipping wars of you and the members.
I'll ask them about this later...
You put down your phone beside you and looked down at N who was sleeping in your lap. You brought your hand to his forehead and played with his bangs
I'm going to be known as Choi... I'll get more and more popular without even knowing it. I'll also be hated for what I'm doing for and with VIXX
You picked up your phone again and looked at your messages
Stephanie: I need a favour, can you come over and let me try some make up on you?

(Y/n): sure, I'll be there in 1 hour... Maybe

Stephanie: why maybe?

(Y/n): I'm stuck between some k pop idols

Stephanie: lol let's talk about that when you get here

(Y/n): if I can get out

Stephanie: I'll cya

(Y/n): bye

You turned off your phone and looked at Leo sleeping on you shoulder holding your arm
"Hey Leo"
You whispered and rubbed his arm
"Nnn... What?"
"I need to go can up please get off"
He groaned and moved over and put his head on the back of the couch
Now to deal with N
You grabbed a near by pillow on the ground and snuck it under N's head
Ok off to go get dressed
You went and got dressed into a flowy (f/c) shirt with the words 'We are young', white/black lace shorts, a (2/f/c) long cardigan, and (f/c) converse. You quietly walked around the sleeping pile of friends and closed got front door quietly
Time Skip~~~~~~
"So that's what happened"
You were sitting on a chair in front of a mirror telling Stephanie and Antony, who was on on his phone,mostly what has happened since meeting VIXX excluding the living and working with them.
"Wow, you've gotten really close to them"
"Don't get too close though, you might get hurt"
"That might be to late"
"Oooo, really?"
"Anyways, I looked up VIXX today and saw something important"
You sighed
"I know, there are ships about me..l guess my new name's Choi"
"You should be glad! Choi means beautiful"
"Yeah, I searched it up not so long be fore you came. How are hi going to deal with this?"
"I don't really know"
You closed your eyes for Stephanie to put on eye shadow
"But lately Leo's been giving me attitude, I don't know what's up with him"
You heard a voice from the back
"I can hear you guys! You know that right?"
"Yeah but you're Antony..."
"What does that mean?"
"You tell me"
Antony stopped talking to think about what you said
"Back to what I was saying, I have no clue what's up with Leo lately but he seem to not like your brother"
You opened your eyes and saw Stephanie shrug and place the brush on your eyes making them close
"Whatever, not like my brothers going to care"
There was a pause and you heard someone giggle
"But I think the Chyuk ship was the best!"
"Not you too!"
"What do you mean not me too?"
You sighed
"The team also ships me and Hyuk"
"But I think what made it was him feeding you the dipping dots and you feeding him the ice cream"
"Yeah- wait ice cream?!"
"Yea ice cream, didn't you see the photos?"
You heard he leave and grab her phone while you opened your eyes to see the photos of yesterday
"Are there always going to be people following me?"
She giggled
"Not only that but hate you as well"
You groaned and hung your head
"At least you might get some praise and probably for famous over the months"
"How long do you think this will last?"
"Until they don't see you with them"
"Well that isn't going to change"
Time Skip~~~~~~
You got back to the dorm with a face full of make up and a selfie of yourself. You walked into the the kitchen to find Leo making ramen, N getting banana milk, and Hong Bin drinking bubble tea.
You heard Hong bin call over to you
"Hey (Y/n), did you see what happened yet?"
"You mean the ships right?"
"Yeah, I think this is getting out of hand"
You nodded
"Me and my friend were talking about that today"
You saw Leo turn around in the corner of you eye
"You don't mean that Antony kid right?"
"No it was his sister, Stephanie"
He looked back at the ramen and continued to cook
"I don't think the Choi Bin ship would last long. You don't really do anything cute of flirty with me"
"What so I do cute and flirty stuff with the other boys?"
"Yeah, why do you think I take photos of you?"
"Maybe you taking photos of me is apart of why we're a ship"
Hong Bin showed you his phone
"Apparently the argument is bring won be the ChoN, Chyuk, Choin, and Cheo"
"Those are N, Hyuk, Ken, and Leo right?"
"Yeah, they got the most votes on them"
"So just not you and Ravi right?"
"Yeah, basically"
You went to go get some water after N but he turned around and almost walked on you
"Sorry, hey! Some thing's, different about your face"
He titled your chin up and turned it and your face was turning a light shade of pink
"Yeah, I just went to my friends house. She needed someone to try make up on"
"Looks nice on you"

N X Reader X Leo (VIXX) - Ghost Writer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now