Chapter 26

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You began writing about VIXX's habits and what they like
Everyone can be a sleepy head at times but when Hyuk sleeps it's a different story
Soon a flash back of what happened when he hugged you and how N always saved you
I have to continue working
You kept on writing, while writing you remembered fun memories of the team and how much fun your life is with them
I can't even remember what life is Life with out them. VIXX was a once a stranger to me but now they mean so much to me.
You kept on writing and thinking about how much fun the tea was until you fell asleep at your desk
Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It was 2:00 in the afternoon and you were doing the finishing touches on your article. Until you saw Ravi at your door
"Hey (Y/n), are you done? We want to do the new episode of VIXX TV soon"
"Yeah, I'm almost done but we can start now if you want"
You got up from your desk and went in to the living room and saw every one there
"Oh yeah and we want to go to the practice room so we can practice and film"
you nodded
"Sure, just let me pack my stuff I want to work while you practice"
You turned and hurried back to your room to pack your items and leave
Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Okaaaay, here's the camera stand... And you press here to start filming"
You nodded while the boys got into position
"Wait can you guys tell me what you are doing?"
"Oh yeah we're reading questions from Twitter today"
"Ok, do you guys have a list or something?"
"Yeah N has his phone so he can read it off from there"
you nodded
"Okay, filming in 3... 2..."
You pointed at them wile pressing the film button
The held up their hand in a V shape and said their chant
"Real V, V.I.X.X VIXX"
"Hello starlight"
"We are going to be answering your questions on twitter"
N and Ravi began looking a the questions, while Hyuk and Ken were playing a hand game, and Hong Bin was Ravi's art work
"Who is the dirtiest?"
Everyone looked at a particular person
Wow, even I know this...
"It's Ravi."
Everyone nodded while Ravi began turning red
"Ravi's, do you agree to this comment?"
Ravi had a embarrassed laugh
"Yeeaaahh, it's true"
Everyone laughed while Hong Bin tried to keep it in
"Oh what does art work have to say?"
No response
"Oh wait"
Ravi poked his shoulder
Hong Bin stood up and smiled
"It's true! I once woke him up and told him to go bathe and walked out next thing I knew he was in the same sleeping position but with clothes on"
Yep I know how that feels...
"Next! Who is the cutest member"
They all looked at each other and pointed at who they think is the cutest
"It's gotta be Leo"
They all looked at each other and changed their vote to Leo while Leo looked down
"Leo has this manly profile but he's very cute once you meet him"
Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope I do not believe that at all
Ken spoke up and made a comment
"Once I asked him if he wanted water and he said 'no, it's okay' very cutely"
You tried to keep your laugh in until you stopped
The questions flew by with the boys having fun and making each other embarrassed and sometimes N would hit them if they made him embarrassed
"Okay, okay next is... What is your type?"
You weren't paying attention until you heard the question and began listening very carefully.
N went and said
"Some one that is more charming every time I look at her, oh and I like pure innocent girls with ageyo"
"Okay Hong Bin-"
"Oh wait and a nice lady! And a wise lady! Like Seohyun from SNSD" (girls generation)
Seohyun? I've seen her before... She's really pretty
The time passed and it was Leo's turn
"Kay Leo in 3,2,1"
"...I like someone that I'm attracted to the first time I see her"
"Ooooo, love a first sight"
Leo started to turn pink but continued
"... Feminine, I don't really have type... And someone that makes a good first imression"
Well I totally failed that one
"... And it's about the felling not looks"
Oh so deep
Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You opens the door for the boys and you all went and sat in the living room.
"you guys look really good"
"Thanks, we're going to practice more tomorrow, any ways how's your article?"
"Yeah I'm almost done"
"Really let me see!"
Ken took the computer away from you and started to read
"I can't believe you learned so much from us in a few weeks"
"Yeah well I live with you guys so it's kind of easy"
They continued reading and making fun of each other's habits
"I can't wait until the readers find out that N is addicted to banana milk!"
"Well what about you hugging people while you sleep"
soon the fun and games started to turn into arguments
You sighed and stood up
"Okay guys I think I need to take my computer, I need to go to bed so I could finish This up and make a new song for you guys"
The took the computer and started to walk to you room
"Quick reminder! We have that fan meet and greet on Sunday and there will be other groups there as well"
They all waved at you while N was hitting Hyuk's arm
I can't wait until Sunday

N X Reader X Leo (VIXX) - Ghost Writer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now