Chapter 27

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Okay.... Little help here, there was this new update and now I have no clue how to put a photo up in a chapter, HELP,SOS, and stuff like that. Yeah any ways just try to imagine this character and sorry still working on flash backs!
I can't wait until Sunday
The next morning you were planned to go to the Starbucks and write a new song. You got dressed into a loose (f/c) shirt with thin black/white strips, light blue jeans (rolled up at the heels) and black/white toms. You walked into the dining room and saw N and Ken talking, Ken drinking coffee and N with his usual banana milk
"Hey guys I'm going out to Starbucks and writing a song"
They nodded and kept on talking to each other
Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You walked in and stood in line. You soon came to the front and heard someone's voice
You looked around and saw Nick at the counter. You walked up to him and waved
"(Y/n), right?"
"Yeah that's me! You work at Starbucks?"
"Yeah, I've been here for a few days. So what would you like?"
"I would like a (coffee/ mocha)"
"Coming right up"
You steeped aside and watched Nick make your order
"So ,(Y/n), you have you been?"
"I'm doing really good."
"Yeah, Alex told me that your making a new article, 'the life of VIXX"
You nodded
"Yep, I'm not sure how well it's doing but I hope it's doing well"
"I think your article will go far if you have the right content, and anyways that band is really popular with the women so the company will get a lot more women readers"
"Yeah, my boss has high hopes for me"
"Oh your drink is done here"
Nick passed you the drink with your name on with with a smiley face
"Thanks, I'll talked to you later"
"See you later"
You waved each other good bye while you took a seat in and red arm chair facing a red couch, in between was a coffee table decorated with a flower in the middle. You took out your laptop, a mechanical pencil, and a note book and started to think about what to write. You would write something's down and either erase it or add more
Nope, to cheesy
You erased the verse you wrote and wrote again breaking the lead
Great soon enough I'm going to need more lead if I continue
"Hey... Are you (Y/n)?"
You looked up and saw someone you wished you would never see again. He had black spiky hair, a green hoodie a little unzipped at the top with black jeans matched with black converse
Flash back
You were balled up in a corner while all these mean comments were being thrown at you by a group of boys and a few girls. Until you guy came up.
"Oh how precious! Little (Y/n) (L/n) is in a ball"
You looked up with tears about to fall out of your eyes
"Come here!"
You were pulled by the hair but the boy and he tied your arms together in between a fence in an alley way by a small shop
"You know (Y/n)... Have you ever heard the saying, an ugly personality destroys a pretty face?"
"I don't know what your talking about! I didn't do anything!"
"You did do something! You ratted us out! All of us! We trusted you!"
The boy looked down and muttered
"I fell in love with you"
His head flipped up
"I hate people like you! You always lift up my barrier and I trust you until you either turn your back in me or leave me alone!"
Tears were forming in his eyes that soon turned into an evil smirk
"Now... I wonder how it feels like to have a live punching bag?"
You were fighting back the tears
"It was the right thing to do! I had to tell how you-"
He started to walk up to you and kicked you in the ribs. You whimpered at the pain but still fought the tears
"Aww, little (Y/n) still trying to act brave"
Soon you became his punching bag. He began throwing heavy kicks and punches to your face and ribs. Sometimes you thought that you heard a crack but was in to much pain to notice.
Hours pass and he became tired
"I think Im going to leave you here, but if you tell anyone about this I might actually use a weapon"
Your eyes started to widen as he untied you and threw you to the ground and left. Tears were streaming down your face
...antony... Why?
You lay down in a ball and cried yourself to sleep until someone in the shop found your body and called the ambulance
From then on I've been the kind of person that was kind, spoke what they thought, and most of all didn't rat people out.
End of flash back
"Oh Antony... How nice to see you"
You rolled your eyes and continued writing down ideas. He took a seat on the couch across form you and watched you
"You know, I've regretted everything I did to you since then... I've apologized after high school but never got a response"
"Yeah I wonder why! [note the sarcasm] If you don't mind I want to continue working so please don't talk to me"
"Sure... I'll see you later"
"And when I say don't talk to me I mean never again"
"Oh come on! I said I was sorry... I'll buy you a meal"
You ignored him an kept on writing. He sighed and shook his head
"You know (Y/n), I'm not leaving until you say yes"
You looked at him and sighed
"Fine but I'm not buying it"
"I never asked you to"
You and Anthony exchanged phone numbers
"Okay, leave me alone I need to work"
Of course that was a lie but you just wanted him to leave
He left with a wave while you kept on working
What have I just done?

N X Reader X Leo (VIXX) - Ghost Writer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now