Chapter 17

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Sorry if the flash back isn't good, this is my first time doing it so yeah please enjoy
And this is Astrid, not that it's important but yeah meh.
It was Leo
You were sitting there speechless looking at Leo's dark eyes
"Why? Why did you save me"
Leo pulled you to the side of the road the others were being mobbed by people while you and Leo were alone
"I'll tell you why"
Leo's POV
Flash back---
It was Christmas night snow was falling gently on my our faces
"Merry Christmas, Astrid"
She looked up to me and smiled while I gave her a small kiss on her forehead
"I love you"
"I love you to, I wanted to give you some thing."
She pulled an item out of her bag, it was a beautiful snow globe.
"I thought it was really pretty so I thought I would give it to you for christmas!"
"Thank you"
I loved Astrid with all my heart she was good, pure, intelligent, and beautiful. While we were walking a little girl ran out into the street chasing her scarf the flew in the wind. Astrid ran after the little girl. But a bus came so Astrid pushed her out of the way
I ran after her but it was to late the bus hit her. But the little girl lived
Her mother hugged her. And didn't look back at Astrid's dead body on the ground
I ran up to Astrid's while calling the ambulance to come. A few minuets later the ambulance came but there were no signs of life from her.
She risked her life of a kid that she didn't even know.
I cried for days and always kept the snow globe near me
Flash back end
(Y/n) POV
So that's who Astrid is
"I don't want to suffer that pain again. The pain of not doing anything that would cost me pain and agony but not only for me but the rest of the team."
You looked at the kid smiling and hugging his mother
"Don't ever do that again"
You looked back at Leo
"I had to do something"
Leo gave you a small smile
"That's why you remind me of her. Your both put others before yourself."
You gave him a smile and looked back at the team. The crowd started getting smaller and smaller. You started getting out of Leo's hands and walking towards the group
"Okay people! Get out of the way!!"
People started following your orders but some stayed until you started blocking them
"Okay time to go home the team needs their rest for tomorrow"
You heard a lot of grains, sighs and 'fine's
You and the team continued to go to the car until the mother came up to you
"Thank you! Thank you so much for saving my son!"
"It's okay, really"
When you looked at the woman there were tears and smiles. Soon a little boy cam up to you and hugged your leg
"Thanks miss!"
You patted his head lightly
"No problem but you should also thank this man over here"
You pointed at Leo. The boy ran up to Leo and hugged him as well until Leo began carrying him
Aww, Leo really good with kids. He'll be a really good dad one day
You waved good bye to the family and continued walking to the van. You sat beside Ken and N while Leo, Hyuk, Ravi sat in the back and Erin and Hong Bin sat in the front
"So, (Y/n) what happens back the? You just ran into the streets after the boy"
"I had to help. It was the first thing that came to mind when I saw it happen"
"Yeah, but now people are definitely going to notice you after us hugging you in front of the pres. And now your heroic act of saving the little boy"
"I never really thought about that, aww Andi's is going to kill me after seeing you guys hugging me. Oh yeah I need you guys to give me an auto graph for Andi"
"Sure! We'll give it to you at home"
You nodded and waited until Erin drove you home
Time Skip~~~~~~
You yawned
"I'm exhausted but I still need that autograph."
You grabbed a piece of paper and a black marker. One by one they came and signed the paper
"Okay guys I'm going to bed"
But no one answered because every one was either sleeping on the couch or already in their rooms.
I think I should go to bed now too
You opened the door to your room and started getting ready for bed until you heard a knock at you door
"Hey (Y/n) it's Leo"

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