Leo x Reader (FINAL)

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"Please Leo..."
Leo ran over to you and grabbed your arm
"Come on! We're running"
You got up quickly and ran behind Leo before the security could come and take you away. The rest of the team came with you and followed.
You looked back and saw the security and the twins catching up, as you turned the corner you got pulled into a dark space
It was silent as we heard feet stomping but leave in the distance
"I think we're good"
We both sighed
You were starting to relax as you felt Leo behind you wrapping his arms around your waist
"Hey Leo?"
"Why did you bring me here?"
"I don't know... That was my first instinct. To keep you safe, so I grabbed your arm and ran not caring what would happen to me"
You kept silent but responded
"Because, because I love you..."
You pressed your back against the front of him. He took your chin in his hand and turned it and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
"Hey (Y/n)?"
"Please don't talk to Antony..."
There was a pause in the conversation
"Are you jealous?"
"I know you're jealous... Don't hide it from me"
You made a small laugh
"I thought so"
You kept in silence for a few minutes holding onto Leo as he put his forehead on your shoulder
"Is it safe?"
You felt him shrug in response
"I don't hear anybody come by"
You watched in fear as Leo opened the door slightly to see if the coast as clear
"I think we're good"
You came out and jogged back with Leo to the producers office
"Hey! Lift the dating ban"
The producer stood up in shock as Leo went to his desk and glared
"And why should I do that?"
"Because (Y/n) means the world to me! She's been working for us for so long for free and this is what she gets in return?! She doesn't deserve it and you know it!"
"What would he pres. Think about it?!"
"They won't find out! I got my inspiration back..."
He looked at back you and smiled but went back to the argument
"...and we don't need her to work for us anymore"
The producer and Leo had a glaring contest but the producer gave up and sat back in the chair
"Just leave, you can have your wish just go before I change my mind!"
"Thank you so much"
He bowed and left the room in a rush
Time Skip~~~~~~
Leo's POV
We all sat in the living room me and (Y/n) sitting together with my arm around her playing with her free hand and Ravi lying on Erin's lap. We all were enjoying the silence but Hyuk spoke up
"Sooo, today was fun?"
We all gave him glares
"What? You and (Y/n) got together while Erin and Ravi got together"
We all laughed as I pecked (Y/n) in the cheek watching her cheeks turn light pink
I think I got over Astrid and moved onto (Y/n)...
She's not just my girlfriend but my
Ghost Writer

N X Reader X Leo (VIXX) - Ghost Writer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now