Chapter 29

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This song, for those of you that don't know, is the GWIYOMI SONG. You are definitely going to need it for later
Please help! I need to put up a photo and I don't know how! 😭
I'll never know until I try
Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Ravi come on hurry up"
Hong Bin returned to the living room where everyone but you, Hong Bin and Leo were half asleep and half awake
"I don't think Ravi's going to get up any time soon"
You were sitting at the edge of the couch with Hyuk trying to stay up and Ken falling asleep. You looked across to the other side and saw Leo playing on his phone and N scrolling through his Twitter.
I don't think Leo's going to talk to me... We began to talk but now he's drifted of again. Maybe he's just caught up in work...
Suddenly Hyuk leaned over and wrapped his arms around your neck and placed his head on your shoulder
What the... Meh, might as well get used to this
Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Come on Hyuk wake up"
You, Erin and the rest arrived and Hyuk slept while clinging on to you during the ride
Hyuk looked around and sat up
"Sorry (Y/n), I'm really tired today"
"It's okay, but get more sleep"
Huyuk nodded and walked while you followed him
"Hey Erin"
"Are we doing make up?"
"No, the team will just go as they are right now"
"Okay, but Hyuk seems to be-"
"Exhausted? Yeah, he's always like this after he wakes up"
"Oh, okay, I'll see you there"
You ran off after Hyuk, the boys began walking onto the stage and the fans started to scream and cheer while you took a seat in the corner of the front row
These girls are basically deafening
They were seated on a long table with a black cloth over top in the order or Hong Bin, Ken, Ravi, N, Hyuk, then Leo. Every few minuets the fans would ask a question then turn red and cover their faces
Wait, where's Andi?I'll find her later
The time passed filled with dancing and singing, until the question you wanted to hear came along
"C-can you guys do, gwiyomi?"
[A/N gwiyomi is when a person acts really really cute to a song]
Soon you heard the girls screaming, you looked up at the stage and saw everyone doing it but Leo
Leo's still trying to save his manly image....
The song finished while Leo just watched the team and said nothing. Eventually the room filled with loud cheers for Leo to do it
The song started to play and N walked over and stood behind Leo
Oooo, this is about to happen!
N took Leo's wrists and moved them to the song while the girls laughed, blushed, and screamed. You began laughing and Leo made eye contact with you, you closed your mouth trying to keep the laughter in. Once he looked away you cracked up laughing again. The song ended and you were wiping tears from laughing to hard
Okay, I never expected that to happen
But the next question was going to embarrass Leo even more
"Can you show us your cutest poses?"
Even better
You began smiling while they went down the line from Hong Bin to Leo. Hong Bin gave a heart with both hands and a charming smile. Next was Ken with a big heart and a cute smile. Then was Ravi, Ravi turned around and looked over his shoulder with a side ways peace sign over his eyes. N was next with a okay sign and a salute. Hyuk came after with a nyan nya and closed eyes. Then was Leo
I've been waiting for this
Leo looked down while the girls cheered his name
N started to come around and stood at the end of the table. N held up half a heart while Leo completed the other for a split second while the girls screamed.
The show started to come to an end, so N made the final moment with their cheer. He and the rest of the members held up their hands in a 'V' shape and yelled
"Real VIXX, V.I.X.X, VIXX"
The team stood at the exit at a prepared table and received gifts and gave out autographs and high fives
You watched the exit and looked for Andi. You spotted Andi and walked up to her and poked her shoulder
"Hey Andi"
"Hi! I thought I lost you"
"Well at least we found each other, where were you sitting?"
"I was sitting in the middle a little to the left, where where you?"
"I was sitting in the front right corner"
"Oh, well that explains it"
You and Andi were having a good chat until you heard someone
"(Y/n)! Hey (Y/n)!"
You spun around and say Stephanie come towards you
"Hey Stephanie! Long time no see! How have you been?"
"Good, I'm doing good. I actually brought my brother here and told him a lot about you!"
"Oh, by the way, this is Andi my best friend"
Andi and Stephanie shook hands and smiled. You and your friends talked about their preform acne and how funny they were
"But did you see Leo's face?!?"
"I know right! It was so funny and cute"
You all laughed until someone came up and held Stephanie's shoulder
"Hey are you - (Y/n)?"

N X Reader X Leo (VIXX) - Ghost Writer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now