Chapter 10

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Yeah see this photo of a girl? This is ur best friend Andi! Yayy finally got a photo
Btw I found this off the internet so I'm sorry if this is u... Or what ever
Any ways back to the story!!!!
You started to feel arms wrap around you
You felt warm, and comforted but you still couldn't help but let the tears flow down and feel broken inside
Why can't I get over this? I need to stop thinking about Leo and maybe I could quit and live my own life... But I can't... I made a promise to them Ravi, Hong Bin, N, Ken, Hyuk, and even Leo that I would help write songs for them. But this is harder than I thought it would be
"Hey N?"
"My song's done, can I give it to you now?"
N nodded while you got up and walked over to your note book and flipped to the page where you song was
"Jasmine Promise?"
You watched N read you lyrics until he started to grin
"These lyrics are really good I'm going to go tell the others ok?"
You nodded and watched him leave your room
"Oh and by the way, don't get so caught up with Leo. It'll take time for him to forgive you but he will eventually"
Yeah right, as if he's going to forgive me! The one that broke the most precious thing in the world to him...[note the sarcasm]
Time skip~~~~~~
You yawned and looked around until you saw that you had some un seen text so you got up and headed for your phone.
Hm? A text from Andi
Andi: Hi

(Y/n): What's up?

Anid: I was wondering if you would like to meet up

(Y/n): Sure I'm free

And it: oh good I'll meet you at the park

(Y/n): K cya later

Andi: Cya
You turned off your phone and got dressed into your (f/c) knit sweater, black skirt, black combat boots, black bow [hair piece], and a black infinity with small (f/c) hearts
This looks good
You started to walk out of the house until you herd the boys talking
"Hey (Y/n)!"
You turned around and met Hyuk's eyes
"Your song is really good!"
"Oh thanks! And sorry Ravi I'm not really good a raping so I'll try next time"
Ravi smiled and nodded. You averted your gaze onto Leo and saw that he was staring at the ground
You sighed
"Kay I'll be going."
"Going where?"
Your averted your gaze to looked at Ken
"Going to meet my friend"
"Your boyfriend?"
"Can you please stop talking about my love life it's really annoying"
"Ok, ok I'll try to stop"
"Good enough for me"
You then turned around and walked towards the park where you and Andi were going to meet at
Time skip~~~~~~
You walked into the park until you saw a familiar face and ran up to it
"Hi Andi!"
"Oh, hey (Y/n)!"
You and Andi at at the closes bench and continued talking
"Where have you been?"
Make an excuse, make an excuse
"Yeah sorry about that I've had a little fever so I couldn't come to work very often"
"Oh well I hope you feel better! But no wonder why you look so depressed and stressed out! You must have been thinking about your new article!"
Do I really look like that?
"Yeah I really need to start working on that"
Oh how I wish I could tell you about what's really happening but you wouldn't believe it any ways...
"Hello? Any one home?!"
"Hm? Yeah I'm listening"
"Are you really what are you thinking about?"
Andi pushed you lightly and you pushed her back but lighter
"I'm not thinking about anything"
"Really 'cause you just had that look on your face that says 'I'm in my own little world and I'm not going to listen to anyone else'"
"Do I really make that look?"
"All the time. But you know that you could tell me anything right and I'll always keep it a secret"
Sorry Andi but I can't tell you my secret this time
"Any ways Andi how have you been"
"I think I like VIXX even more after their new song!"
"Really what do you like about it?"
"Every thing the words the beat the dances! Everything!"
Wow I can't believe at some one actually liked my work
"Yeah but I think that their going to be publishing a new song soon..."
"Really? How do you know?"
Think fast (Y/n) think fast
"Oh, just a feeling I guess..."
"Soooo (Y/n) how's your love life? Seeing anyone?"
"Honestly maybe..."
"Ooo tall me all about it!"
"Well I'm kind of seeing two guys at the moment but one of them totally hates my guts and the other completely friend zoned me"
"Oooo, tuff being rejected by both angles"
"Yeah but I guess that's life"
Time skip~~~~~~
You opened the door to your house and started to yell
"I'm home!"
"Oh hey (Y/n) we're starting to play a game!."
You looked at Ravi with a large grin
"You wanna play?"

N X Reader X Leo (VIXX) - Ghost Writer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now