Chapter 4

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You watch them but not all of them only the two

You couldn't take you eyes off of them. After a few shots Leo and N side glanced at you. You soon had a light shade of pink shade over you cheeks and looked away.

What's happening this is supposed to be professional... I shouldn't bring my personal life with professional work...

You looked back and saw that Hyuk was taking his solo photos. You then walked over to where Erin was sitting

"Hey Erin! I was wondering if there when the next time VIXX would call me"

"Sorry I'm not really sure but I think they would call you for videos, concerts, fan meet n' greet, and that sort of thing" She replied

"Oh okay! I'll just go online to see when that's happening or ask one of them. Thanks!" You said as you began walking away

"No problem"
Time Skip~~~~~~~
You knocked on 7-15, as usual you heard the loud running and thumps coming towards the entrance. It didn't phase you anymore you we're so used to the loud crashes.

"Hi (Y/n)"Hong Bin answered the door and was smiling while Ken and N were pushed up against him. "Oh yeah... We forgot to give you a key... we'll give it to you later"

You entered the house pushing through the boys in the entrance

I feel like ramen, yeah ramen I haven't had that in like forever!

You start making the ramen but suddenly stop when you see Leo sanding beside

"Ramen..." He mumbled and leaned against the counter

"What?" You asked

"Are you making ramen?" He repeated

"Oh yeah, I am making ramen, do you want some I think I made too much"

He nodded and walked away

Wow that was the first actually conversation I've had with Leo...kind of

"HEY DOES ANYONE WANT ANY RAMEN!?" You yelled through out the apartment

"Yay! Ramen"
"Why not"

Ok then I have to make 7 bowls of ramen.

You take the ingredients out and start humming and dancing to yourself while you cook

I was about it to turn the corner until I heard someone humming our song. Soon enough I saw (Y/n) dancing around the kitchen while she was cooking

She's kind of like a little kid, no like a little bunny always jumpy and happy to be around and really cute when she's dancing around like no ones watching

"Hey" I called out

She let out a little squeak and turned around slowly

"H-hi, how long have you been standing there?" She asked

"Not long." I answered

She let out a little sigh

"Just long enough to see you dancing around humming to one of our songs" I added

Soon enough her face was tinted pink. I chuckled

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone that you dance while you cook 6 guys ramen for diner"

(Y/n) POV
N soon walked out of the dining room. You sighed once he left

I bet he's going to tell someone about this... But a least we talked. I wonder what he was thinking when he asked me to be their ghost writer. I'm not that good, right?

Time Skip~~~~~~

You heard loud shouting and stomping coming towards you

"Yay! Ramen's ready!" Ken exclaimed as he quickly took a seat

Soon the rest of the team gathered around to the table once you guys were eating Leo started talking

"Okay guys we need to give (Y/n) our schedule for this month" He began

They all turned to you. You smiled lightly trying to not think about how awkward this is

"Anyways (Y/n) we need you to make a new song my next month or as soon as possible." He continued

"NEXT MONTH?! I CANT WRITE THAT FAST" I replied in shock

"Well too bad we need a new song by next month or we'll get fired from our jobs and have thousands of disappointed fans. Do you really want that?"he asked taking a spoonful of noodles into his mouth

You look down trying to avoid his eyes

"Well I can try but if you want it to be really soon I need to write it about something I like so I'll-" You were about to finish your sentence

"No we can't do that you need to follow our theme" He said quickly

"What so I don't get an opinion?" You asked

By the you finished you sentence you were glaring back at Leo

"No you don't get an opinion. We have thousands of fans that could be connected to the most famous people that could bring you down and ruin your career" He answered in a mono tone voice

Leo was glaring at you with piercing eyes that could make a baby cry. He then stood up and stormed off into his room

"Don't worry (Y/n) it'll be alright this is how he usually is. He's really had to understand and can't show other feelings besides anger, serious, and scary" Ken reassured with a smile

Ravi gave you a small smile and put his dishes away. Soon enough every one was finishing their meals. You then put you own dishes away and took Leo's meal as well and put it in the dish washer

Time Skip~~~~~~
You were about to go to sleep until you heard a knock at the door

"Come in!" You called

"Oh hey (Y/n) I just came in to give you your keys just in case if you need them to come into the house" N said placing the keys on a small table near the door

"Oh okay thanks for the keys" You replied

You smiled at N and he walked away.

Why can't Leo be like N their so different.
Hey, maybe I should say sorry to Leo. I might have been right but it was wrong to snap at him, it was all so sudden

You got up out of bed and walked over to Leo's room. You knocked on his door lightly and got nothing in response

"Hey Leo I'm really sorry about tonight I didn't-"

You stopped in mid sentence an looked at his face. It was a different face he looked so venerable and sad

This was the first emotion other than anger, or seriousness that you saw in Leo

N X Reader X Leo (VIXX) - Ghost Writer [Completed]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ