Chapter 25

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Sorry this chapter is a little short...
(Y/n): K cya
You woke up the next morning and got changed into a white jacket, black and white striped shirt, (f/c) skirt, and (f/c) vans and you rushed out of your room and saw Hyuk, Hong Bin and Ravi in the living room
"Hey guys I'm going to the office I'll see you later"
They nodded while Ravi waved good bye
Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Hey guys"
You walked into the offie while Andi and Alex came running up to you
"Haven't seen you in the office in a while!"
"Yeah I know, Alex told me that I was called to see the boss"
"Good luck..."
"Yeah I haven't been called yet but I think it's soon"
Your phone started to ring, you looked at the caller id and saw it was Klien
"Speaking of witch it's he's calling me over right now"
"Oh, well cya"
"Bye I'll talk to you guys later"
You began to walk towards Klien's office while you waved good bye to your friends. Once there you knocked on the door
"Name and business"
"(Y/n) (L/n) working on the VIXX project"
"Oh yes, come in"
You opens the door slowly
"You called me, what did you need?"
"I just wanted an update and you to start working on the article. So what do you have?"
"I've learned a lot over the the weeks"
"Good, I need an article in a week"
You nodded
"Good, now go work"
You rushed out of the room
"I expect a lot from you (Y/n)"
"Yes sir"
You closed the door and walked to your desk
I think I should go talk to Andi... I'm a fan of VIXX just not as much as Andi
"Hey Adni, I need your help"
"What do you need?"
"I need your opinion on something"
"Go ahead"
"Who would you like me to do my article on?"
Andi but her pointing finger on her chin
"Hmm... I think Leo, Hyuk, and Hong Bin would be the best choices"
"Next question, what would you like to hear about?"
Andi started to think really hard
"... Most people would like to hear about love life, how they work, annd what their schedule is"
"Ok we're done! Thanks for helping!"
"No problem, I'll see how your article is and suggest new things."
"Kay I'll see you later"
You and Andi waved each other good bye as you parted ways. You exited the work building onto the streets filled with people
I feel like a walk... I don't get much exercise
You started to walk down the side walk, through the people, to your house
Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"I'm back"
You closed the door and placed your bag on the counter
"Hey (Y/n), where did you go?"
Ken was lying down on the couch watching YouTube
"My boss just need to check up on me and wants me to write the article"
"Oh yeah, we need a favour to ask you"
"whats up?"
"We need you to film the next episode on VIXX TV"
"Sure, I need to work so I'll see you later"
You walked towards your room and started typing on your computer
I think this article should have a title... VIXX gossip... Nope... Starlight fan page... No... Daily life of VIXX? That actually might work
You began to smile and write your article

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