Chapter 41

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Time Skip~~~~~~
Your woke up to your phone ringing. You picked it up and saw it was Klien caller id
"Hello, (Y/n) here"
"(Y/n), come to my office right now!"
"Yes sir"
You jumped out of bed and got dressed into a grey blazer, black shirt, dark blue jeans, and black flats. You ran out of the house but heard some one calling to you
"Hey! Where are you going?!"
"Sorry it's an emergency!"
Time Skip~~~~~~
You ran into the building almost bumping into Andi but ignored her screaming
"What do you think you're doing?!"
You ran off to Klien's office and stopped a few steps away to straighten your outfit and knocked on his door
"Name and business"
"(Y/n) (L/n), you called me this morning"
"Come in"
You opened the door and saw him staring out the window. You closed the door and waited for him to say something
"Do you remember what you said last time you were here?"
"I said that I promised-"
"Yes and when you promise something you don't break it"
You nodded and watched him turn around to look at you
"They even gave you a name, and a ship with every boy"
You hung your head
"I'm sorry (Y/n), but we have to let you go. If this continues they will find that you work here and their fans would stop reading our content... I'm sorry but you're fired"
You nodded and kept your head low as you walked out the door. You were about to go back to the dorm until you heard Andi's voice all out to you
"Hey (Y/n), what happened"
"Don't talk to me! Don't make things worse"
Time Skip~~~~~~
You saw N sitting in on the couch staring at you
"Hey, what happened to you?"
"Nothing to worry about, I knew this would happen"
"Tell me"
He patted the spot next to him, you walked over to him and sat down
"I knew that I would get fired from my job"
"Why would you get fired? You're an amazing journalist"
"I know, but my boss said that if I do anything like what I did on your birthday with you guys again I would get fired. Then I went to Hyuk's birthday party thing with you guys and now I'm fired"
"What does he mean by 'anything like what you did for my birthday party'?"
"He meant like the touchy hand holding, hugging, sleeping thing"
"Oh, I guess that makes sense"
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about how since you're getting more popular he doesn't want anymore haters from being with us and for them to not read his content"
You nodded
"I just don't know what to do anymore"
N swung his arm behind you and rubbed your arm causing you to lean into N a little bit
"You can stay with us and continue writing until yo have to go to university"
There was a silence between I two just appreciating each other being there but you spoke up
"What are you talking about"
"Thanks for being here for me"
He smiled
"I said that I'll always be there for you since you're always there for me"
Time Skip~~~~~~
You were lying in bed with a mocha wringing music up in you're book but you saw your phone light up
You picked up your phone
A text from Alex
Alex: you there? Andi told me that you ran out of the office in a bad mood... What happened?

(Y/n): it's nothing, I just got fired but I'll be fine

Alex: wait what?! You got fired?

(Y/n): yeah but I need to tell you something

Alex: what?

(Y/n): I'm going to university next year

Alex: really? For what?

(Y/n): I'm going for music

Alex: does Andi know?

(Y/n): yeah I told her when we split up

Alex: at least this is kind of convenient you don't have to go through the troubled of quitting

(Y/n): I guess but I really liked this job

Alex: yeah I'll miss you

(Y/n): I'll miss you too but we have to get together soon

Alex: yes!

(Y/n): okay I'll see you soon

You turned off your phone
I just need to focus on writing music. Which reminds me
You went out to find everyone in the kitchen and dinning room
"Hey guys, I need to go shopping tomorrow, anyone want to come?"
You got responses that they wanted to come
You went back into your room and went onto your phone and checked out (s/m) to see the ships about you. Most of them were photos and how cute you and the members were together. Some were about you not deserving them and how the members should be with them
This will all be over soon

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