Chapter 18

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Yay!!! new people! Let me introduce you to Andi's boyfriend!!!! BTW as all ways I found this off the internet and I don't know who this is and you know the rest blah... Blah..... Blah
"Hey (Y/n), it's Leo"
"Oh yeah, come in"
The door opened slowly
"Hi Leo, what's up? You never really come in here"
Or even talk to me
"Um, I kind of want to keep the Astrid story a secret. It happened a long time ago and I still haven't gotten over her, and the media would be really angry if they found about her"
You nodded
"You know you can trust me with anything."
A small smile crept up his face
"That's good to know"
"You should go to bed, Leo. It's getting really late"
You looked at the clock
"Yeah your right. We'll see you later"
Leo walked out the door while you went to your phone and texted Andi

(Y/n): Andi you up?

Andi: i was just about to go to bed. What do you want?

(Y/n): first of all, rude. And I have what you want

Andi: YAY! I'll come see you tmr.

(Y/n): I'll go to your place, 4:30

Andi: k see you tmr.

(Y/n): Night

You turned off your phone and climbed in bed and dozed off into sleep
Time Skip~~~~~~
You rang Andi's door bell, a few seconds later the door swung open
Andi attacked yo with a giant hug that almost made you fall over
"Whoa Andi calm down"
Andi invited you inside and to take a seat on her couch
"So, (Y/n). Do you have the autograph?!"
You dug the paper out of your bag and handed it to her. Once given she started to act like a little fan girl
"Hey, Andi!!! Where's the sugar again? I forgot where we put it"
Soon a man came out of Andi's kitchen
"Hey Hun, this is (Y/n), (Y/n) meet Colin, my boyfriend"
So this is her boyfriend, fits the description...
You stuck out your hand
"Hi! I'm Andi's bestie"
Colin took your hand and shook it
"I've heard a lot about you"
You and Colin let go after a few shakes
"Oh really? What did she tell you about?"
"She told me that she's really jealous that you get to work with that boy band, what were their name agin"
"Yeah, well any way don't want to bother you two but where's the sugar I need it for my coffee I'm a little tired"
"It's on the fist shelf right of the fridge"
"Kay thanks"
Colin came over and pecked Andi on the fore head and walked away
"You guys are really good together"
Andi smiled and nodded
"Yeah I hope we can keep it like this, but anyways saw you on the news yesterday and on the paper"
Oh no.....
"When did you get so close with VIXX? I thought you just started"
"Well ah"
Andi started shoving a piece of paper of you getting attacked with hugs by VIXX. The head line ofcourse was
'who is this mysterious girl?'
What do I do?!? I really didn't think that Andi would know so soon!
"We met a few days ago, I bumped into some of them getting coffee, and, ah we just sort of hung out together..."
I hope that sounds believable
"So you hung out with them so much that you guys are a hugging level?"
You nodded mp but faced the ground
"Why didn't you tell me?!?!"
"They kind of wanted to keep it a secret but that didn't turn out very well"
"Now that I got the VIXX situation over"
Oh great, just what I needed [note the sarcasm]
"I saw on the new that another 'mysterious girl' saved a little boy from getting hit. Did you know about that"
She flipped the page over and showed you the photo of you saving the kid
"This looks awfully like you doesn't it? Same hair, height, shoes"
"Ok,ok,ok it was me! Stop asking me questions! It's scaring me"
"I knew it was you!!! Why didn't you tell the pres. or some thing?"
"Well I'm already going to be known for VIXX hugging me so adding onto it with 'oh I also saved a little kid from getting hit by a car' doesn't help cool down my situation"
Andi sighed
"I guess your right. But I've been you best friend since we began working a few years ago and I can tell if your hiding some thing"
Great just great! I can't tell her now it's too soon [note the sarcasm]
"I'll get you one day, I'll just ask you when your ready to tell me"
Thank you
You gave a small sigh of relief
Time Skip~~~~~~
"Hi guys I'm home"
"What's up?"
You looked around you the boys were in the living room watching t.v.
"What are you guys doing? It's almost 11:00 and you guys are dancing tomorrow"
"Oh yeah (Y/n), are you going to be their"
You nodded
"I'm supposed to be with you guys fro every event that happens, I'm going to bed. I'll see you guys tomorrow"
You walked to wards your room and started to get ready for bed.
You soon fell asleep

N X Reader X Leo (VIXX) - Ghost Writer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now