Chpater 14

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What the? Who's Astrid? A Sister, Friend, Lover? Whatever I'll ask him later about Astrid
Time Skip~~~~~~
You parked in front of the house
"Hey guys" you whispered
You went to the back seat and started poking N's face
"Mm, what?"
"We're here. Can you wake everyone else up?"
N nodded while you went and helped anyone get out of the car.
Once everyone was up you all went up to the apartment.
You opened the door for every one to enter
"Okay guys you can sleep now"
You watched as everyone either went to their rooms or fell asleep on the couch.
You sighed
"Im going to bed..."
You felt a hand on your shoulder that spun you around
It was N
"Thanks for driving us home,(Y/n)"
"No problem"
"Yeah, you must be exhausted from driving us and stuff."
You nodded
"Okay, I think we should go to sleep it really dark out, oh yeah wait I need to ask you something"
"I was wondering why there was piles of banana milk in the fridge"
"heh heh, um I just really like to drink banana milk. So I always keep a large storage of it in the fridge"
You laughed a little
"Okay then, I'm going to bed now"
"Yeah see you tomorrow?"
Time skip~~~~~~
You walked out of your room to meet the wonderful smell of (favourite/breakfast). At the table there was Hong Bin and Hyuk
"Hey who made (f/b)?"
Hyuk pointed at the kitchen. You looked to where the finger was pointed at
It was Leo
"Hey Leo!"
Leo looked at you and rolled his eyes
Pft, whatever
"Hey Hong Bin, when are the others going to wake up?"
"I think some time soon, why are you asking?"
"I was just going to ask if there was any other time I was supposed to come to events with you guys."
"I think you have to ask Erin about that"
"Okay, thanks for helping"
Hoing Bin smiled as you walked out of the building
Time Skip~~~~~~
You walked into your work place and sat down.
Okay, time to see they're schedule... Wait can't I just ask Erin? But what am I supposed to do now for 5 hours or whatever?You tube!!!
You suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around you
You rolled your eyes
"Hey, Andi"
"Whatcha' doin"
"Nothing much"
"Yeah speaking about doing stuff..."
"What do you want?"
"I was wondering if you could get VIXX's autograph for me?"
"That shouldn't be too hard"
You nodded
Andi then jumped in the air while you laughed
"Hey what's going on here?"
You and Andi turned your heads and saw Alex peaking around the corner
"(Y/n)'s getting VIXX's autograph for me"
Now there s a huge smile on Andi's face
"Oh really?"
You nodded
"Then when's there next meeting?"
Alex sighed
"Oh (Y/n), when are you ever going to learn?
You laughed a little and started staring at your feet
Avoid awkwardness avoid awkwardness, hey those look like pretty shoes I'm going to look at them for a while.
"Okay I have a meeting soon. I'll see you guys later?"
You nodded and started to walk back to your desk
Sweet, Sweet YouTube....
Time skip~~~~~~
"Hey guys I'm home!"
You walked over to the couch and started to sit down but got pulled into a hug
You looked and saw Hyuk hugging you from behind on the couch
"Hyuk! Let Go Of Me!!!"

N X Reader X Leo (VIXX) - Ghost Writer [Completed]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz