Chapter 20

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Hi people!
You need to see this photo!!!! NOW!! Ok the one on the right is Alex and the one on the left is Nick! Remember!
And of course the photo was found on the Internet and I'm sorry if it's you or people you know blah.. Blah...blah
(Y/n)'s POV
Your eyes shot open from the loud notification from your phone from Alex
Alex: Hey, we haven't talked to each other out of work for a while... do you wanna meet up at (f/coffee shop)

(Y/n): Sure

Alex: I also have some one I want you to meet so I'll see you in an hour

(Y/n): K sounds good

Right now it is... 8:06 he should be there at 9:00 ish
You turned off your phone and went to get changed into a (f/c) shrit, black/white scarf, and black/white toms. You also added a black/white watch just for the fun of it. You checked the clock
I have 30 mins...
You went out into the dining room and saw the usual people that were awake. Hyuk, N, and Hong Bin
"Still sleeping?"
They nodded
I knew it
You walked into the kitchen and got out some cereal and milk. You took out your phone while eating to kill and watch the time
I should get going soon it's 8:42
You got up and put your dishes into the sink grabbed your stuff and headed out
"Bye guys I'll see you later"
Time Skip~~~~~~
You entered (f/c/s) and ordered (f/drink).
8:56 I'm early... What to do....
You looked around and took out your note book and started making a new song
"Hey (Y/n)"
You looked up
"Oh, hi Alex"
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing much"
"Any ways, the reason why I brought you here"
Alex took a step to the side
"This is my boyfriend, Nick"
Wait Alex's gay? I don't have a problem with gay but I never knew...
Nick stretched his arm out to you
"Hi, I'm (Y/n)"
You took his hand and shook it
"Wow, (Y/n) your taking me being gay easier than most people do"
"I don't have a problem with you being gay, it's not bad or good it's just... Meh"
"I like her already!"
You lightly laughed
"Yeah, anyways... (Y/n),you were on the news!"
Here we go again
"Oh yeah, I saw her yesterday"
"And on a magazine cover"
"Why was she on a magazine cover?"
"You know the band VIXX? They suddenly hugged her.. And no one knows why. Care to explain (Y/n)?"
"Heh heh, ok first the news, I saw a kid running into the street... I had to do some thing or else I would've felt so guilty for not doing anything at all and being a witness of someone's death. Second, umm"
Wait what did I say to Andi? It was a really good excuse oh wait I remember I think I said
"I ah, met them in a... Coffee shop before and we got to know each other and stuff so I got really close to them"
I hope that was believable. I hope that's what I told Andi
"And why didn't you tell me that you met them?"
"They wanted to keep it a secret but I guess it's out in the open now"
"Are we the only ones that know about this?"
"I told Andi the day before yesterday."
"Of course you told her before me"
"Duh, we're best friends! What do you expect?"
There as a small silence until you heard some other girls talking
"I like the guy on the left.... He's pretty cute"
"Sure but I call the one on the right I like him better"
Wow, I kind of hate people that just judge people by what they look like, you can't judge a book by its cover!
"Yeah but who are they with?"
"Ew, look at what she's wearing! It's so out right now"
"Yeah, how about we just talk to the boys for so one that they will forget about her ugly face!"
I am not UGLY!! I bet your just some lonely old people begging to be in a relationship!
The girls started to walk up
"Hey boys, we just saw you from across the room and were wondering if we could share a table with you guys"
"Um... Sure"
They took a seat next to your co-worker and his boyfriend
I can't wait until they find out that they're dating!
"My name is Melanie"
The girl on the right stuck out her hand and shook both of the guys hands
"And this is my friend Grace"
Both boys took their hands and shook them
"I'm Alex and this is Nick"
"What are you guys drinking?"
"I'm having a mocha and Nick I think is having the special"
"Is it good I've always wanted to try it"
Soon they started having a conversation and switching phone numbers until you interrupted their little conversation
"Sorry girls but I need to talk to them alone for a minute can you please go some where else for a moment"
"Ugh, why don't you go away go find some other ugly guy to hang out with!"
You started to get really annoyed at them
"Do you know where I can find some other UGLY guy to hang out with? Oh wait do you girls have twin brothers?"
You smirked at them while you heard 'ooooo's from Nick and Alex. Watched the girls squirm in their seats trying to think of some thing better but couldn't
"I'm leaving! Come on Grace"
They both left the table while you, Nick, and Alex were laughing your heads off
"Just what I thought! Good ol' (Y/n) always thinks of awesome come backs!"
"Yeah but did you see their faces?"
"It was hilarious!"
You and your friends spent the next few hours talking and laughing
Time Skip~~~~~~
"Hey guys I'm home!"
It was about 9:00 p.m.
You were in a really good mood and practically skipped into the house
"Whoa, (Y/n) why are you in such a good mood?"
"I just had a lot of fun today!"
"I can tell"
You walked into your room and sat down and started texting Andi about your day with Alex and Nick
For the last half hour or so you got ready for Bed and fell

N X Reader X Leo (VIXX) - Ghost Writer [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant