Chapter 31

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See this photo? This is e dorm! Yay, anyways I don't know if it's legit or not I (like always) found if off the internet so please don't sue me for finding their address.... Please?
"I want to sing and make music"
You nodded
"I want to enrol in a university and learn next year"
"Oh, well if that's what you want to do.. Then I can't stop you from doing it..."
"Yeah, I'm sorry for the short notice"
"No, no it's okay but the boys would be devastated since you came they've really been enjoying their time here"
You smiled
"Anyways, I think you should tell the boys that your thinking of leaving"
"Yeah, thanks for telling me that"
You walked into the dorm and looked around for the rest of them
"Hey Guys! I need to tell you something"
One by one they started to come out and crowd around sit on the living room furniture, while you kept on standing
"Hey guys, I have some news"
"Really! Is it good?"
"Kind of... I'm not sure anyways, I'm thinking about going to university soon"
"What why?!"
You heard a lot of whines and complains
"Yeah, I'm sorry but,that's what I want to do. I want to make music and sing"
"You can sing?"
"Can you show us?"
You nodded and began to sang the chorus of your (f/song). Soon you finished and heard a few claps from your audience
"Not bad"
"Seriously? That's all you have to say?"
"What do you expect me to say?"
You sighed and sat down with them
"I don't know"
There was a silence until Ken spoke up
"When are you leaving.?"
"I'm thinking about leaving next year, but we still have time together until I leave"
They started to smile
"Then let's make the most of it"
Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Now here's he big question, where do I go?
You were sitting on your bed while looking up good schools but didn't really like any of them
Ugh, how am I going to know which schools are good or not?
You began rubbing your head and stressing out
Maybe I should tell Andi... Nope scratch that she's going to make a big fuss about it
You continued your search until you heard a knock on your door
"Yeah, come in"
The door opened slowly and you saw N's head pop out
"Hey (Y/n),I need your help"
You smiled a little bit
"Only if I get your help in return"
N smiled and nodded. You patted the spot beside you on your bed, he came over and sat beside you making the bed move a little
"My questions short so just wait"
N nodded and looked at you
"I was wondering what university you went to and how good you thought it was"
"Oh, I have went to Howon University and I was pretty good"
You smiled
"Okay here's my problem"
You turned and face N
"Well, I kind of liked this girl a lot, and I asked her out but she rejected me and I want to win here back"
N, I already know what happened
"I'm sorry N, I can't really help you with that, unless you totally change or something..."
N face lit up
"I'm just joking, that doesn't really work"
N looked down
"Well, maybe you could think about what you really want in a girl, or what it means to have a girl friend"
N nodded and smiled. N got up and moved towards the door
You smiled and began searching up Howon University
I opened the door into my room and hopped onto my bed lying down and staring at the ceiling
What does it mean to have a girl friend... To love each other, to pot each other before themselves, and to be there when you need them. If she didn't want it then I had to respect her wishes, that's one down she doesn't love me. But she did care about me though, but only my reputation...
I sighed and closed my eyes
Why is this happening to me?!
(Y/n)'s POV
Well I think I can tell Yuri, we aren't that close but maybe this could bring us closer
You picked up your phone and started texting Yuri

(Y/n): Hey Yuri! I have some news

Yuri: spill

(Y/n): I'm thinking about going to university!

Yuri: really? For what?

(Y/n): well I want to go in so I can sing and make music

Yuri: you can sing?

(Y/n): I've been getting that question a lot recently

Yuri: well that's someone's first question if you say that

(Y/n): true, and yes I can sing I started in high school and sort of quit once I got a job but I still have it in me

Yuri: that's really good! You found something that you love and you want to pursue it!

(Y/n): yeah, I haven't told a lot of people but I think I can trust you to keep it a secret

Yuri: you think?

(Y/n): okay, I do trust you

Yuri: that sounds better

(Y/n): k I need to look up some more universities, I'll see you later

Yuri: yeah we should meet up some time

(Y/n): sounds good, bye

Yuri: cya
You turned off your phone and searched up Howon University until you
Fell asleep

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