Chapter 6

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Previously on Pretty Little Teen Wolf -
"You met the Camila Cabello, the totally hot Latina from the girl band, Fifth Harmony"

"Fifth who now??"

Your POV
"Fifth Harmony!!, The world wide trending girl group in the U.S.!!!" Taylor almost yells.

"Woh woh keep your voice down" snap at her.

"Anyways, did you meet the other girls, if you did who? And what do you think of them!! I want all the details" Taylor says excitedly.

"Look, as much as I would love to tell you. I have to go speak with Danny"

"Oh. why don't you just talk to him after lacrosse practice?" Taylor replies.

"As much as I would love to watch a bunch of guys running around shirtless, I can't. I'm meeting up with Camila after school" I reply.

"Omg, no way" Taylor squeals.

"Yeah way, and I can't. too many memories of he who must not be named"

"Well, I heard Danny ditched school with Jackson, but I'm sure that he'll be back for practice, hey you should bring Camila- wait no, not should. You have to" Taylor suggests.

"Ugh, fine" I reply annoyed.

"Bye, binches" I say while walking to English.


Camila's POV
From: Bae😍💋💦👅
Hey, change of plans. I gotta talk to someone after school, but come to beacon hills high. I'll send you the address.

To: Bae😍💋💦👅
Can't wait!! xx

"Why are you all smiley?" I hear Ally ask.

"Oh, no reason" I reply trying to hold in my excitement.

I watch as ally makes a "really" face. And with that I can't hold it in much longer.

"Okay, okay. I'm going in a date with Y/N"

"Really, Mila I'm so happy for you" Ally replies.

"Well it's not exactly a date-"

"Great then you won't mind if I come with" I hear Lauren interrupt.

"OOo, come with. where? Are you going to see Y/N, what a great opportunity to coincidently bump into her hot brothers" Dinah butts in.

"All I heard was Y/N, then hot brothers. Wherever you guys are going I'm in"

"Woh woh woh. It's just gonna be Y/N and I, okay so no one is coming with. Got it" I say in a serious tone.

"If you don't let us come with you, I'll tell Y/N about your banana obsession" I "Ugh" at Dinahs threat.

"Fine, but if you embarrass me, you'll live to regret it"

Pretty Little Teen Wolf - (Love. Be afraid) Fifth Harmony/You *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now