Chapter 15

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Previously on Pretty Little Teen Wolf -
Stiles POV
"I just don't want her to have the same reaction as my mom did when she found out" he adds.

"Don't worry, she was bound to find out someday. Better now then later" I say thing to cheer him up but immediately fail.

"See that's the thing. If we had told her sooner, she wouldn't have went I the woods alone, Isaac wouldn't of left her. We could have protected her" scott says while almost breaking down.

(I'm gonna start adding videos, for a more visual and emotional feeling😉)

Your POV
I wake up to a headache from all the memories last night had to offer. All these mixed emotions flooding my mind. I don't know whether to cry or rage out.

But then I remember one thing, well someone. Camila. I can't believe she left me to almost die. Thinking of the thing that almost killed me.

I examined all my body trying to find the wound that could of ended my life.

No sign of any injury.

"Huh, weird" I say while getting off my bed.

I realise that I'm at my moms house.

I freshen up and get ready for school.

I throw on a Scott inspired outfit, then quickly curl my hair.

I raced down stairs excited to eat my fav marshmallow cereal. I'm stopped in my tracks almost immediately.

"SHIT!!, Scott!!! You scared me" I yell pushing him playfully.

"Sorry, Stiles and I have to speak with you" he tells me and I nod in understanding.

I follow Scott into the kitchen where I see Stiles eating MY cereal.

"Excuse me!!!" I say while marching up to stiles.

"That's my damn cereal. Get cho grubby ass fingers off of em" I say all ghetto like.

"Girl you a thot" he replies.

I playfully push him and we both laugh at our interaction.

"Soo whacha wanna talk about?" I ask grabbing some lucky charms and pouring them into a bowl.

"You might wanna sit down" Scott suggest.

Before I could protest I'm being lead to a chair by stiles. He forcefully pushes me down and I'm shocked.

"Sorry, it's for your own good" he says. Scott gives him a look, but I'm not too sure what it is though.

"But my cereal-"

"You can have it later" stiles interrupts.

"Okay, look I've been practicing this all night, trying to find the words that'll make you understand what it is I'm gonna tell you" he speaks.

I nod in confusion letting him know that he can continue.

"Right. For the past few years...the people closest.... have...h-have..."

I see that he is struggling to get his words out.

"The people closest to have being lying to you" stiles finishes.

I see Scott give stiles a thank you look and I smile at their bond.

I shake it off even more confused.

"Wait what? I don't have time for this I have to get to school" I say grabbing my things.

"Wait!!" They both yell.

Pretty Little Teen Wolf - (Love. Be afraid) Fifth Harmony/You *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now