Chapter 23

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Previously On Pretty Little Teen Wolf -
Scott's POV
"P-please don't let me hurt anyone ever" she cries.

"I promise. But you have to listen next time, I don't just want others not to get hurt, but I don't want you getting hurt either" I reply.

"T-thank you Scotty"

Your POV
I woke up with a pounding headache and an angry mother.

"You. Explain now" she orders getting straight to the point.

"Ughhh can I at least have some Advil" I ask rubbing my temple.

"Advil ain't gonna do it sweetie and how have you got a headache you're a werewolf" my mom complains.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you and I'm also sorry because I don't have an answer to that question" I reply attempting to get up.

"Is the reason for not telling me because of isaac?" She asks.

"No no no why does everyone think, because I dated him and he dumped me, is the reason for my sudden closed door" I ask frustrated throwing my ands in the air.

"Because it usually is honey" my mom replies.

"Well not this time mom. Please just let me be, ill tell you everything when ready" I plead.

"Fine but this isn't over" she replies before pecking me on the forehead and leaving my room.

I get a text from an unknown number.

I feel like a little drama today, I want you to ask Camila out on a date.
- A

What the frick. I am not doing that.

And other text.

From: A
Do it or there will be serious consequences

I roll my eyes and decide to go along with it. I tap on my messaging app and bring up her contact.

To:😈Lame Cheater Girl😈
So I was wondering if you wanna go on a date?

From:😈Lame Cheater Girl😈

To:😈Lame Cheater Girl😈
Yes pick u up in an hour wear something comfortable and don't. I repeat, don't, wear anything tight

From:😈Lame Cheater Girl😈

To:😈Lame Cheater Girl😈Because I said so. No questions just zont zo it

From:😈Lame Cheater Girl😈
That's not what the why was for. The why was meant to mean, why are you asking me out? I thought you hated me

To:😈Lame Cheater Girl😈
I don't hate you Camila. End of discussion. See you in 45 minutes bye.

I decided to end the convo there and pick out my outfit. I wanted something girly with a guyish edge, seems as I'm not really into the dresses and stuff. Once I picked out my outfit, I threw it on and raced out to Starbucks because why not.

When I got there it was really crowded. What the heck?

After pushing and shoving through the crowd, I finally managed to get in but not without trying to catch my breath. I stumbled up to the counter and ordered.

"One chocolate chip frappe" I ask pulling out some cash.

"Okay what size?" The employee asks me.

"Grande" I reply.

"That'll be-" I cut them off before they could finish.

"Here keep the change" I say handing them $20 note.

Pretty Little Teen Wolf - (Love. Be afraid) Fifth Harmony/You *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now