Chapter 9

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Night falls and the stars light up. The moon was brightly shining, it was even a full moon today. The cherry blossoms continued to fall on the streets and the chatter was getting more silent. Everyone proceeded to the Narukami Beaches since the fireworks were going to be lit up there.

"Huh? How did I get here..?" Sayu stood up and stretched her arms.

Yoimiya was preparing the fireworks on the ground. "Oh good! You're awake. The firework show is gonna begin in a bit. You better find a good spot to watch this!"

"If I have the energy to, which I don't."

"Hm, maybe you can sit on that rock over there. It seems like a good spot."

"Alright...I'll try to move."

Thoma saw Yoimiya from below, who waved at him with a cheeky smile. Ayato slowly touched his pinky then held his hand.

"You both are early..." Ayaka took some breaths. "how's your time together huh? Having fun?"

"We're just having fun together. You know, watching the petals fall and the stars shimmer." Ayato grins.

"Okay everyone! The firework show is about to initiate! 3! 2! 1!" Yoimiya shouted.

She lit the fireworks and sprinted to a safe spot away from them. The fireworks blasted in the sky creating colorful sparks and some sparked different shapes. Sayu was able to stay awake to watch, Ayaka couldn't help but smile at the wonderful colors, and Itto and Shinobu were camouflaged in the crowd.

Thoma's eyes shone from the firework lights, Ayato glanced at him since it drew his attention. Thoma moved closer and laid his head on his master's shoulder.

"This might be one of the best days I got to spend with you." Thoma said while he kept his eyes on the fireworks.

"As a reward for giving a hand to most and everything..."

Ayato gently tapped his head to move from his shoulder. He then kisses him and touches his waist. Thoma felt at ease to the point he wrapped his arms around his neck. Ayaka brought out her camera and took a picture of them with the fireworks being in the background, making a nice effect to it.

"This is going in the album." She giggled.

The firework show stopped after a few minutes, everyone was starting to head home. Shinobu tapped Itto's arm since their friends were approaching.

"Hey! How'd you guys enjoy the fireworks?" Yoimiya asked.

"Oh it was great. The onikabuto shape got me." Itto replied.

"Luckily I had planned that one straight from the bag. How about you three? Did you like the spot I told you?"

"It was a beautiful spot. Plus extra scene from these two." Ayaka nudged her brother's arm.

"It was delightful, I liked the color schemes of the fireworks." Thoma replied.

"Glad you guys liked tonight." Yoimiya did a big yawn. "We should all be heading home. It is past 8 pm."

"Guess we'll call it a night. See ya guys tomorrow!" Itto waved goodbye along with Shinobu.

"We should walk home together! That be fun." Yoimiya suggested.

"I wouldn't say that's a problem. Do you need to go home early today, brother?"

"No need. I've done the works today. I'm sure it won't hurt to join Yoimiya."

They arrive at Yoimiya's place and her father was waiting outside.

"Father!" She gave him a big hug.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yup. The show was amazing, even for me. Right! I forgot something!"

She went over to Ayaka and pecked her cheek. Ayato and Thoma stood their in silence, but in shock.

"Okay! Good night to ya'll!" Yoimiya saluted.

Ayaka put her hand where she kissed her. She began to flush and screamed softly. Ayato put a shoulder around her and helped her home while she was busy composing herself.

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