Chapter 11- Comfort

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"It will be fine if loaded with work but the worst is humiliation.."

Day reminded silent.
Dara sighed.

"I don't know Day, but people are sometimes very cruel or its my fate to go through these"

Day wanted Dara to vent out, so that she can be fresh. He replied.

"It is not like that, don't think bad" Day soothened her.

"It is Day, iam a retail cashier as usual iam doing my job, a customer came in, he looked very bulge his appearance itself is intimidating. He handed me the bill of $35 and gave me $50. I handed him the remaining amount, but he asked me remaining $65 I got confused, he raised his voice at me that he paid $100. I told him that he has given only $50.He shouted and called our manager. I was trembling he made me look like I made something wrong. My manager came and I said the same. He suddenly grabbed my collar I got stumbled and almost hit in the table. My manager got me inside, he too didn't believe me. Still he was shouting at shop everyone was looking at me.. I already felt so bad Day..whats funny is that cctv didn't work Day, I knew they won't believe me. Then they believed him and gave him the amount. They didn't let me do work for the day and I stood there like I stealed something.There was another lady, she dragged me to locker room and asked me money.... Seriously I didn't cry up to that, after I couldn't control I let her to do, she checked my belongings and me. Later they closed the shop and after calculating every bill details and everything they came to know its that customer fault. Then I came out. "

Day stunned to hear everything. He was thinking hard how to console her. He was out of words. He could barely talk. It was new to him.

" They didn't have the courtesy to apologise but instead they again showed me the cold face its like iam a begger or something ", Dara swallowed hard. She was exhausted from everything

She suddenly thought she told everything and ranting to Day. Day became very silent.

Dara turned to Day,

" Sorry for ranting, you should go its time.. Did Aron picking you up? "

Dara tried to divert the topic.

"No.. No.. I was just thinking...... Mmmm
Iam worried Dara... I know you are strong don't get this to your mind, I know its really hard but...
I don't know what to tell", Day gulped.

Dara could see the same eyes that she seen first time. The same sad yet warm eyes. She got goosebumps seeing that. For a second she forgot everything. She got immersed in that eyes. Day's words were already comforting.

"It's okay Day, you should go."

"No..its almost 9pm, ill drop you off", Day volunteered

"No.. Thank you for your time already, may be next time. I will take the bus now."

"No Dara, then atleast eat something and then go by bus"

"No its okay Day, I'll grab something on my way"

"But iam hungry", Day pouted.

He knew Dara will fall for that.
Dara just hummed.
They both went to a small stall. Their first meal together. They both ate noodle with soup. They chatted. Dara too smiled.
Somewhere Dara felt a bit relieved. They made fun of nearby couple. She smiled. Dara occasionally blushed at Day's compliment. Somewhere deep inside she liked it. They both got comfort at each other presence.

Day walked Dara to bus stop.

Day suddenly grabbed Dara's hand and held it. Dara's eyes widened and felt butterflies.

Their eyes met.

"Dara.... Mmm...thank you for opening up. I don't know to console you.. Sorry..."

Dara smiled

"What you did is more than enough Day, thank you so much.. Iam thankful to you. I don't know what I'll do if you are not here"

Dara's cheeks glistened with tears.

They let go of each other.

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