Chapter 16- Drifted

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Dara got into the bus. Again this day has been rough. She sighed. She felt odd in that place. Though she tried to be cool, her heart was racing and wanting to leave immediately. But she can't bother Day, so she has  been there just for Day. She don't know but she don't want to do this again. She couldn't compare Day with her. Day talking to her itself seems big. She don't want to tag Day further. It will hurt both of them. She thought it's better to avoid Day. Dara scrolled through her phone, she got an email from the agency she applied for tutoring. But it start on next weekend. She smiled and texted Mix about it. She came to dorm wrote her diary and slept. Dara always had the habit of writing diary regularly. It is the only place where she can vent out everything. The place that gives her peace. She planned to work on Sunday at her usual weeday workplace. She wanted rest.

Next day
Dara slept all day. She didn't look at her phone. She got up and done her presentation. She completed all her piled works because only once a while she get time to do it. Day on the other hand got up late. Dara still didn't replied his message. "Reached?" still remains unread. He slept in Arons dorm last night. Aron was on his side. He made sure to comfort him. He felt guilt, he don't know if he could see Dara again. He got a text from his dad to come home. When he reached home, his dad and mom packed their bag to go to his mother's native town. Day don't want to go but he got dragged by their parents

After 5 days
Day got home only at Tuesday. He got bit sick so he didn't go out. Dara still didn't texted him back. He even texted in the middle that too remained unread. He was bothered by that. He felt drifted. Inside his mind he wanted to carry on his work forgetting Dara but heart never hears that. In the short span he felt so much attached to her as well her insecurities bothering him and stopped to take their relationship on the next level. On Friday night Day decided to meet Dara, no matter what happens. His friends called him to hang out, but he rejected. Min was upset about it. After the party Day was not talking to Min. Min was complaining to Aron. Aron asked her to give him some time. He drived for an hour. It is actually far from his place. He reached the place where Dara works. Its almost 7.30 pm but still Dara didn't come out. He just wandered and had some cold coffee. He waited for almost 2 hours in his car. He could hear the shop closing. Dara came out. Her bit messed hair she looked completely worn out. She even paced slow steps. She didn't notice Day. She kept waking. She had to take bus to her dorm from here. Its not very far just two stops from this stop. She sat on the bench and sighed. Day still looking at her from behind. There are few people around. Dara searched something in her bag. She took out pain relief spray and gently lifted her jean to spray on her ankle area. She kept in and throwed her head in the railings and kept her eyes closed. It screamed so much tiredness. Day felt very pity. Everytime seeing her like this makes his heart ache. He don't know what she goes through all day. Dara never explained or complained or spilled or at least tell her hardships. But he made his mind to make her feel better even she don't explain or wanted to tell him about anything. He got her drinks and even dinner. He slowly went near her. Dara could hear footsteps she slowly opened her eyes. Dara eyes widened at Day. She was surprised yet uncomfortable.

"What are you doing here?" is the only word came from Dara.

Worn out starजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें