Chapter 12- Party

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Dara got into her bus. She didn't look at Day to say bye. Day was waiting for her to see him. Dara didn't look at him. Bus started to move, Day was still looking at her. Dara turned and smiled, Day sighed relief.He smiled. His little happiness there days. Knowingly or unknowingly he was really dragged to Dara. His mood dropped more than Dara. He felt bad for her. He wanted to be always there for her to protect her but he really don't know will Dara allow it or not. He felt stressed and went Aron's dorm and slept. Though the day was really bad for Dara, weirdly her mind is all of Day. She is processing everything every single words of Day and how that means to her. Just another day of looking at stars and tearing up. She didn't think much went straight to her room and slept.

Next day

She woke up with heavy heart and next thing she had to do is search for another job. She called Mix and sought his help for another job. She lazed around and went to eat breakfast, the usual cheap breakfast she used to eat. During her free time she always do her school works. She didn't gone online yet. Almost 11am, Day called her and asked her if she was okay. She told Day that she was going to meet her friend. They talked a bit and cut the call.Day could feel Dara didn't talked much she just rushed the convo. Day thought he could give her sometime so she could forget about it. Dara went to meet Mix. Mix was working in cafe for a long time. He took break and came to Dara with coffee. After they joined uni Mix was always there for her when she needed him. He helped her in all the way he could. Dara told everything and Mix consoled her. They searched in online for jobs. Dara thought she could do some tutoring after all these she got traumatised. Mix helped her to apply. But they have to wait for reply from agency. She left. After ages it was only weekend Dara was free. She went to church, she didn't pray she just sat there and she walked around the street. All the way there was people, everyone around her looked happier she forgot how it feels to be happy. She envied everyons. She wanted someone to hold her, give her a lap,  console her. She wanted to cry out harder sometimes even that was possible. She missed her mom much. She wanted to be with her, just her presence to feel protected. She walked and walked. She thought about Day. Wondering why Day didn't text her. Even a ice-cream reminds him. She smiled internally and the day ends.

3 days later

Weekdays were busy for Dara, she had to work and attend classes. Day and Dara didn't talked much. On 3pm once Dara's classes over Day called Dara. Day usually call her on weekends, she startled and picked. Day told Dara that tomorrow is Min's birthday and he wanted Dara to come to the party on Friday night.Dara at first told she was unwilling to go there. Day convinced her that only Min's friends will be there no need to worry, he even promised that he will stay around her so that she don't feel odd and left alone. Dara knew Min was a very important person in Day's life. Almost after 10 mins of Day's struggling to convince Dara, Dara said okay. In her mind Dara thought she could agree but later she could tell some reasons and not go there. She was never been to party and its all will make her uncomfortable. Day still didn't believe Dara. He really wanted Dara to meet Min. Dara is already a friend to Aron. He already imagined he, Dara, Min and Aron hanging out together, dragging Dara into his little nest of his friends. He kept pestering Dara to come for every half an hour. Until he got scolded from her. She was cute to Day. More than anyone he was most excited for party.

Will Dara go to the party and meet Min.. How they r going to welcome each other??

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