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Authors note (A/n): bold and underlined
F/f favorite food

I looked at mom, "my room?!" She
smiled and said "yup!" I sighed, walking to my room, sun following me. I walked into my bedroom, setting my bag next to my bed. I flopped onto my bed Groaning, immediately texting my friend

"ugh mom just let sun and moon stay in my room!"

"That doesn't sound that bad"

"I'm not gonna get any privacy now!"

"That's what it's like to have siblings"

"Oh, well I feel sorry for you. anyway, I'll talk to you later"

"Ok, talk to you later"

I looked at sun, who had a piece of paper and crayons, he was drawing something. I'm guessing it was me and him while humming the daycare theme. I sighed, connecting my Bluetooth to my stereo, and pulled up the daycare theme. it started playing he looked at me happily, his smile widening, and he went back to drawing his legs swinging back and forth the bells on his shoes jingling with every movement. hes actually kinda cute when he's happy. wait, did I just think hes cute? ...well ...He is though i don't think I would mind him staying with me, but that terrifying moon? ...I don't want that thing watching me sleep. I decided to speak getting up off my bed, walking over to him, sitting a little bit away from him so he can continue drawing "hey sun um, I have a question" he looked at me "yeah? what is it!" sounding ecstatic
"um do you have a moon form or something?" he looked at the floor looking ashamed,
"I'm guessing your asking about last night.." I nodded
"I'm sorry did he hurt you?!" I blinked
"no just scared me" he sighed
"good, moon isn't the best at being friendly. it was past 10, you were out and he thought that you were a naughty child. and then when dawn came, I saw that you were registered into the pizzaplex, so, I thought if I waited on the doorstep your mom might keep me!" I blinked and tried to process what I just heard. "Wait, you are two beings but you share the same body?" "Yes, me and moon share this body, memory, and we can talk to each other when the other is in control! and when one of us is in control, sometimes we can take control of like an arm or a leg to do something. like, if he was going to hit a child I can take control of his arm to stop. that's never happened before, it's just an example"
"can he see me right now and is he talking to if so what is he saying?"
"'s almost dark I'll be turning soon but yes he can see trough my eyes when I'm in control I can block him out so he can't see anything, and I can block his voice so he can't talk to me either, but I will never do that. I mean, hes my other half literally! (a/n they are not brothers that would just be weird in this context but they do love each other it's platonic for now)
since you can't have a sun without a moon, even though he can be a bit rude and scary at times, he doesn't like rule breakers or liers. we can tell if your lying by the way"
"Y/N DINNER IS READY " I walk down the stairs to see mom had already set the table. sun had followed me looking outside anxiously knowing moon was coming out soon. he sat at the table while me and mom sat across from each other, we were having F/f "dad's not coming back is he " my mom looked down at the table
"he's still on that work trip honey I don't know" sun looked out of place trying to lighten the mood he said, "when did you guys go to pizzaplex?" I smiled, "five years ago for my birthday, I didn't go to the daycare though." the real actual sun just set over the horizon. as sun panicked as he changed into moon, "hello y/n and Ms l/n"

Word count 725
(HE'S CHEATING! HE'S CHEATING!) -jo thy editor
(Jo no spoiling!>:() -Lilly the writer
(Too bad XD) -Jo the golden edition

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