the perfect one

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Warning a few horny shenanigans between me and Jo but no NSFW

We went in sammy shrunk a bit “hi monty

Hi SaMmY “ he said it in a mocking tone. that made me angry.(“so I punched his ugly ass face and we both got detention”-no bullying psa) i turned around and got straight up into monty’s space “if you arent going treat my boyfriend nice or at least act nice then LEAVE NOW “

Monty had actually backed up at me yelling. lucy touched my shoulder “y/n i think he got the message

“Just because he lives with you doesn't mean u gotta defend him “

Lucy was taken back by everything that just happened, and lilly looked at both of us with wide eyes 

“U sure you're friends?“

Lilly i wouldn't say anything while shes mad” lucy said

I just walked past them, Sammy walked with me. I reached out my hand and he took it. Lilly and Lucy behind us were in shock. I was looking for the shop when I saw zy, so I ran up to him.

“Hey zy would u like to accompany us on our quest to find the perfect dress for prom and suits for them" I looked at Monty and Sammy.

He stared “yea sure I guess“
We all headed to the different stores. We started at Dillard's to see if there were any good prom dresses or suits. Lucy found one they liked and grabbed it heading their way to the fitting room. After she got in the dressing room, Jo called Lilly. 

"Uh hey bb"

Jo replied in a high pitched voice “hi babyyy!" after that they gave a chuckle

"I'm shopping for a prom dress " then in the background you hear from the dressing rooms. 


“WAIT- HAHA- WHAT- ‘IT DON'T FIT’?? AHAHA” Jo laughed taking it out of context

"OF COURSE IT DON'T FIT UR FAT ASS LUCY " lilly said jokingly 

"I'm not fat u bitch

“What doesn't fit~” Jo says in a suggestive tone

"DON'T U EVEN START JO" Lilly yells

“SUCK ON IIIIT~” Jo replies laughing

"I bet Lucy would wanna suck on montys-" you hear muffled noises 

“HAAAA-” Jo laughs again, finishing the sentence in their head. 



“Jo I'mma have to call u later I love u"

"Love you too " 

Lilly hung up the phone, she looked at Monty who was cackling and sammy who was pissed off. Soon Lucy came out of the dressing room with the same dress but a bigger size. it looked absolutely beautiful on her, monty wasn't allowed to see it because he was her date. I was right behind her. I helped her get it on, 

" How does it look on me?" Lilly just gave a thumbs up 

"How is my sister so hot? That dress is stunning get it " Elizabeth piped up 

"are you saying u would date your sister if u could " 

"No 🙄 you should get it though, she would look lovely'

The dress was a beautiful silk emerald green dress (I'll add photos of what they look like at the end of this chapter) Lucy looked at herself in the mirror "I'mma get it " she got back into the dressing room and changed back into her regular clothes well 1 down.. . We still have mine, Sammy's, Lilly's and Monty's. Lucy paid for hers. We went to the next store. Lucy Lilly and zy sat around gossiping while Monty and Sammy looked for suits. Monty found one rather quickly. He tried it on. It matched Lucy's. It was an emerald green color suit we didn't let Lucy look at. Monty ended up getting it and Sammy couldn't find one at the next store Lilly immediately saw something and grabbed it  "Jo would absolutely love to see me in this" she ran off and tried it on, it fit. she showed all of us, it looked good on her. Then at the next store, me and Sammy found ours. He tried his own and it fit. I had no clue what it looked like (It's a Royal Blue color ). They only told me I should get a yellow one to represent sun after Sammy changed back into his clothes. I went and tried mine on, I walked out and Lucy stared at me "you look like you're gonna get married… I wouldn't doubt it" zy spoke up 

How you and sun and moon met, a love story (Fnaf) Where stories live. Discover now