another new thing

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It was the middle of the night  (3 AM) (my idea-co-writer) when I stumbled Down the stairs Into the kitchen grabbing my water bottle out of the fridge. I took a big gulp and it didn't taste like water. I saw eclipse walk downstairs
Y/N, what are you doing out of bed? You should be sleeping” and he just kinda stared at me for a sec.
"I was getting a drink of water… this doesn't taste like water"
Yeah, that’s not water, im suprised beans even kept that
"Wait, it's the vodka, isn't it"
Yeah it is, how much have you drank?”
"A whole gulp.. dang I fucked up"
Not too badly, a gulp is generally a shot, you’d need at least 3 shots to get tipsy
"Oh thank god" I set down the bottle and then definitely grabbed mine and started chugging the thing.
Slow down—
"I'm thirsty"
We see beans kind of jog down the steps and into where we were and takes a shot of the vodka and back to the steps
Beans that was—“ beans cut them off
“Right now I’m running solely on sundrops and that vodka. let me be at peace and wOrk on chica—“ their voice cracks which is quite menacing at 3AM with little to no light around but for some reason their eyes were glowing (ahem side effect of sundrops)
"Ok jeez"
They dash back upstairs to start working on chica again.
"Ok then "
I filled up my reusable water bottle (it was blue at the top and purple at the bottom) I went back upstairs with eclipse and went back to sleep
Beans POV
later into the morning I hear a doorbell ring, I think it’s a part I ordered so I run downstairs and I open the door, but It wasn’t a package or someone at the door. I mean it was a human, she was tiny and small, it was a baby! She looked kinda cute and similar to me. So I did the most reasonable thing ever.
“Y/N?” I called out to her
She runs down the steps, their hair brushed half way, and practically half naked. (an oversized Tee and no pants-writer) “what!”
I pick the baby up and I turn around “we have a problem”
She walked up and picked up the child after placing the brush into her tangled hair the baby grabbed her finger. I could already tell by the way she holds her Y/N will probably be talking care of her the most.
“They don’t seem to have a name at all”
"Beans look there's a note"
I pick it up and I read it

‘enjoy your new present, love, Mr.Snickerdoodle <3’

What the fuck? A note? Hell a child??? From my dead father?? What the fuck???? Wait there’s something on the back of this note,

‘P.S. She’s now your responsibility, I put her under your name’

. . .

"Uh beans look at the eyes"
“Hm? What do you mean?
She showed a picture of Vanessa and the child side by side
"I think she's—“
“She’s Vanessa’s child?” I cut her off finishing the sentence.
"That's what I'm thinking"
“I swear, he’s now fucked Vanessa? How much more of a whore can he be? Jesus Christ! Is he now gonna start fucking all the ghosts in hell?”
(My father had kids with 4 women so -shrug- -writer)
"I don't know how are we gonna take care of a baby when we aren't even ready for mine
“I don’t know! But apparently that baby is under my fucking name!”
I bring the car seat in and we move to the living room.
"We have to talk to mom about this"
Momma comes out from their room which is connected to the living room (like their room, and when they walk out they’re already in the living room -co-writer)
“You guys need to talk to me about what?”
Y/n holds up the child like Simba “child”
“Where did they come from?” Momma asks
“Front of our doorstep, thought it was a package for me cus I’m waiting for a part, but nope, baby!” I exclaimed.
"Ok follow me I have something to show you both "
“Okay?” We both follow momma into the attic.
She takes us to the back of the attic and both me and the baby sneeze at the same time due to the dust.
"Awhh you both sneeze at the same time"
“Shush— im not used to this much dust in a house because of how often I cleaned m’as place—“ and then I mutter “I have to go back there at some point anyways”
"Can I go with you"
“What? Why??”
"Because I wanna look around "
“Mmm.. okay fine just letting you know she was a hoarder and I mean a HOARDER”
"Even more reason to look around "
“Ugh fiine finefinefine you can come, but eclipse has to come with”
"Ok I'm fine with that "
“Cool, now let’s get done with why we’re up here it’s quite humid up here” as I sneeze again
"Y/ns baby stuff is up here that we can reuse"
“And we might find more baby stuff back at m’as house since I’m so sure she still got my baby stuff”
"Let's get the Stuff done and get out of here" y/n looked to the side like she didn't wanna be up here for some reason
“You okay Y/N?”
"There is something up here that makes me uncomfortable "
“You don’t have to explain but we can try and get out of here ASAP”
"Ok" she looked in a corner and shivered
I look over and see an animatronic, I don’t question it.
“Okay! So where’s the baby stuff?”
Momma started dragging out a box that said crib on the side and a box for a changing table and a bunch of other baby stuff
I hate dust. I sneeze again.
"ok that's everything we just need to go set it up "
“Leave that up to me, the cool uncles got it >:]” I say oh so confidently.
…Let’s just say it took 2½ hours to build the crib alone. My brain is so fried from so much information and no sleep yet being wide awake, i finish the crib and I walk downstairs to Y/N cutting chicken for the child.
“Hupuha— is done—“ the only thing my fried brain could tell Y/N.
"Beans you look tired how about you sleep "
“Mmmmm naw”
"dont make me bring moon and lunar on you"
“I will run, I still got sundrops FLOWING through me >:D”
I ran out into the backyard and hid. While in hiding I realized that the sundrops were wearing off and I fell asleep in hiding. (I’m gonna say they hid in a shed-Jo)
Moons POV
I hear Y/N call for me and lunar. We both go down as we hear the back door open and beans nowhere to be seen.
“Moon, lunar, go get beans, they’re refusing sleep and bolted off out the back. Go after him” she said
Got it
both me and lunar ran outside and into the backyard. We looked around and finally we looked in the shed and found beans passed out. I picked them up and threw them over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes (my idea >:D -co-writer) then we walked back into the house to show we got the sack of beans.
Got em’ I’ll take them to bed
We take beans upstairs and lunar runs and jumps onto the bed. I looked over near their closet which appears to be the chica animatronic still in the works. It seemed he just took a break and went downstairs to find a baby..— but I rest him down making sure they’re comfortable, then let lunar be cuddled by beans, and I tuck them in. I go back down and i hug my beautiful wonderful Gf that is Y/N. I hugged her from behind as I gently start covering her cheek in kisses as she giggled.
"so what's with the child?”
“Beans found them on our doorstep. Oh and there was a note beans was given”
I go over to the counter I looked at the note " this isn't your fathers handwriting. ive seen enough of his handwriting to know this isn't his"
"Then who's is it?"
"I don't know, but it’s just not his. Also Did you guys think of a name for her yet?”
" no not yet it's beans who gets to choose "
Buffy walks in and sees the child, she goes over to her and licks her once, and then she lays down next to the child.
I went over and picked up the child hands under the pits. Eclipse walks down and sees me holding them.
Hey hey hey! You’re holding him wrong!”
“Actually, I think it’s a girl” Y/N corrects eclipse.
Oh, we’ll you’re holding her wrong
Eclipse corrects me on how to hold the baby, and I’m just frozen holding them like a little child holding a baby for the first time. (like beans would-co writer)
"So this is what holding our child would feel like"
Yes moon, this is what the baby would feel like being held”
"Speaking of babies I have to go to the doctor this week to check up on them"
What are You hoping for?” Eclipse asks
"I actually don't know whatever gender it is I'll still love them no matter what"
I’m hoping for a boy” I reply
I don’t care for gender” eclipse
Sunny could hear us from downstairs “I want a girl!”
We heard the little girl speak “dada!”

How you and sun and moon met, a love story (Fnaf) Where stories live. Discover now