By the light of the moon

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(sun and moon backstory chapter )

(mostly from sun and moons pov )

I woke up strapped to a chair with someone in front of me, i was checking things down on a piece of paper. 

“Ok sun, everthing seems to be doing ok; now, time to check and see if you’re working properly, test 1: can you speak”

U-um my n-name is sun?”

“Oh- yes, oh- right, i forgot,“ 

he walked over and tapped on a computer and suddenly i felt like i knew exactly what i was supposed to do, i was supposed to take care of kids and protect them. suddenly, i heard a voice in my head it made me jerk, “what ?! who are you what ?!?!?” he sounded confused, 

um why is there is a voice in my head?“ i ask

“Oh, thats moon. hes your other side; you turn into him when the lights turn off.“

Me and moon talked in our head a bit as the person went trough all the tests, he then flipped the lights off. i switched to moon then was stuck in the headspace just like he was seconds before. he did the rest of the mandatory tests, then flicked the switch. i came back out and he took us to the daycare then left us to get used to existing. the first few days were terrible; parents hated us and didnt trust us, they didnt like the idea of us taking care of their kids but we assured them that we would take care of them. it was hard to convince them, but soon it worked. months pass it was normal for us by then. but then about 4 years after being made, the lights shut off and didnt come back on. me and moon were shocked, we tried to charge, but nothing. we left the daycare in a panic. no lights were on and we were on low battery; we collapsed at the entrance of the pizzaplex. 3 years later, we powered back on and broke out by breaking a window. it was night as we stalked from the rooftops. then we saw her; at first, we thought she was just being naughty being out this late at night. little did we know how important she would become to us. moon chased her home as i told him to stop, but he didn't think he scared her so bad. she didnt like us at first, but soon she became close to us; the first time she kissed us it completely changed how we felt about her. we loved her, and we wanted her to be ours. now she's all ours and no one else's, and we wouldn't have it any other way. (<3-jo)
Word count 553
End notes of chaos

Who are you ?

Who am I ?

Why is the room so bright?

Who is this guy in front of us ?

Can we kill him?


Awhh “-moon (reapergirls idea )

(have your daily dose of wholesome content-writer)

(suck these nuts-editor)


(because i can and NO! YPU CAN'T STIP

 ME! *starts having another stroke*)-editor

(Hmmm "writerr writet ypu stip rrors digent" all ur errors])-writer

(eror, erot, u, [insert other spelling errors])-editor


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