the adventures of drunk beans

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(A/n this chapter I had to rewrite so sorry if anything seems out of place I'm writing at 4 in the morning cuz I can't sleep)
Beans pov

I came home with groceries not to be too suspicious of bringing home just a water bottle they didn't know I filled with vodka. so, they didn't know I was drinking. I put the cold stuff away and headed upstairs. Finally I could get some peace, Both physically and mentally with this, it's refreshing. But then again I don't have the best alcohol tolerance cus ive only drank a few times. A few hours in, I'm drunk, not shitfaced drunk, but enough to not walk straight, (like me!-co writer) and be pantless. I realized I hadn't eaten before drinking so I went down to get something to eat. I had gotten myself some yogurt and loose granola for a meal which was a good idea cus I made a yogurt bowl parfait thing with granola and strawberries. Ms.snickerdoodle came down to eat and noticed me
“Honey are you- are you okay?”
“Mhm” as I take a bite into my yogurt
“Are you sure?”
“Wanna explain your sudden courage for no pants?”
“…okay I might be a little drunk-“
“When did you get drunk?!”
“Not too long ago”
“Were you out when it happened?”
“No mother it was in my room”
Mom sighed “alright,” mom tried calling for moon.
“No!- Shhhhhh”
“Honey you can't be left alone, how big was the bottle?”
I shrug and say “i dunno maybe about the size of those water bottles” as I point to a .5 liter bottle Which is the normal size for a water bottle.
“What did you fill it with?” mom asked
“Vodka” as I grin a drunkish grin.
“Oh my lord out of all the choices you chose vodka??”
“What can i say it's the fist alcohol ive tried”
Mom sighed as moon came down “did i hear my name?”
“No-” I exclaimed.
“Yes, I called for you. I need you to take the beans upstairs.”
“No i donttt im fineee”
With moon taking one glance at me he already knew “alright, beans come on.”
“But i wanna eat my yogurrrrt”
If you go to your room I can bring up your yogurt okay?”
“Fine..” I stumbled my way up into my room and sat on my floor grabbing the vodka bottle and drinking it.
Moon came up shortly after with my yogurt. “Alright, you must stay here and be good, okay?
“Okayyy but.. I want you come here”
Okay?” he sat down next to me
Do you just want cuddles?”
“Just get closerrrr”
Moon leaned in close to my face. I wasn't thinking straight but.. I kissed him! I kissed moon. Nice and long. How could a robo mouth be so soft yet so hard? It felt nice for being my first robotic kiss. Eclipse with Y/n in their arms walk in on us kissing and my drunk state.
“Hey moon do you have-” that's when they noticed what we were doing.
Oh my god moon
Moon looked over and saw yn and eclipse, eclipse looking disappointed and yn shocked. Eclipse walked off with yn as moon pushed me off
what the fuck?!” Moon got up and ran off as I now realized I fucked up.
I sat there Upset at myself that I did that. I took another sip of my vodka as eclipse walked in empty handed.
Why did you do that?”
“I wasn’t thinking..”
Eclipse scans my bottle and takes it away from me.
“You need to lay off it” About half of the vodka was gone already.
Eclipse had laid me down, “go to sleep you're gonna need it” he said as he set the bottle on my bedside.
I had trouble falling asleep as I kept thinking about that kiss and how guilty I felt.
Why aren't you going to bed?” eclipse asked.
“Can't sleep..” as I drag my hand lining the ground.
Here.” Eclipse hands me a moondrop.
And I took it. I fell asleep nicely after that. Next morning I woke up with a migraine and I didn’t feel the absolute best. …who am i kidding, i felt like dog shit- I tried standing up but I fell right back down to the floor. I was so dizzy from the migraine. Eclipse walks in to check and see if I was okay.
I heard a thump, is everything okay?”
“Yeah.. I just got a dizzying migraine...” I say as I rub my head. The migraine was taking a pounding on me.
“I’ll get you Tylenol” he left and came back with the tylenol.
I grabbed it and grabbed the bottle on my bed side, I think it’s water? I get close to drinking it before eclipse notices what it is and quickly takes it away.
That was the vodka from last night, nope
Eclipse left brought me back some water and gave it to me as I took it.
Is there anything else you need?”
“No, I think I’m fine.. I just wanna apologize to yn..”
Eclipse helped me up and walked me over to Y/N’s room. I opened it up and y/n was cuddling sun and looked very upset.
“Y/n.. I’m very sorry.. I wasn’t thinking.. I was drunk it was more of a temptation.. I’m sorry..”
Y/n puffed out her cheeks and that's when I knew she wasn't really that upset
"You stupid dumb dumb getting drunk" there was a pause
"You stupid dumb dumb in general" I knew she was just joking
"Seriously it wasn't the best idea beans but it's ok but I would go apologize to moon he's the one who's really upset"
"Where's moon"
"Soundproof room"
Eclipse helped me get to the soundproof room
"What" moon growled
" I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to kiss you.. I was drunk. I wasn’t thinking at all. It was a temptation and I act on them when i'm drunk..”

Do you really mean it.?”
“Yes, every word I’m so very sorry I didn’t mean for that to happen..”
Fine. I accept your apology. Have you apologized to yn yet?
“..alright. You wanna go back to y/n
“Yeah.. I just need to go use the bathroom I think everything’s about to leave my system..”
Alright I’ll help you there beans, come on”
Again, eclipse helped me to my destination, but I didn’t quite make it. I threw up and just passed out with eclipse still holding me. I woke up to being cuddled by moon while y/n was playfully fighting sun over a crayon "but it's my crayon it's the only purple one in the boxxx!"
Sun was just playing keep away
When eclipse butted in "sun I think you have kept it away from her for long enough" sun gave y/n the crayon she put it back in the box "I'm too tired to color now"
She gave sun and eclipse grabbing hands as they brought her over to cuddle it because a big cuddle pile I was so comfortable that I fell asleep entirely.

(Drunk beans acts on what’s on their mind yet again drunk moxie from helluva boss)-co-writer
(So if beans thought of fucking me would they do it?) Writer
(i would let them do it not drunk tho) -writer
(I couldn't think of the word thanks)-writer
(It’s sober np)-co-writer
(This is why I’m your editor love)-co-writer
(-flustered Lilly noises-)-writer
endnote part 2
(No beans were harmed in the making of this chapter maybe a bit of my sanity but no beans) -writer
Endnote part 3
(I had to rewrite this entire thing yayyy)-writer

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