The miscarriage

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I turn around to look at sun but.. He isn't sun.. He looks.. Feral. Then I soon realized it wasn't sun; It was glitch sun. He angrily walks up to what I now recognize is the pervert guy from my school. He grabs them by the neck, raising him off the floor, pervert trying to grasp for air. “Don’t. You EVER. touch my sunlight EVER again. Oh wait, you won't be able to.” as he snaps the perverts neck and drops his limp body as my eyes widen in shock. Oh my god. He actually killed him. Scared, I backed up trying not to be killed. Glitch sun turns around to see me in horror, he rushes over to me as I harshly flinch. He picks me up and starts to try and comfort me.
Baby baby, darling, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you, hes gone now. He won't hurt you." he says comforting me as I cry in both horror and pain.
I just cry in his arms scared, scared of what he might do or what might happen if I set something off. Glitch sun had set me onto the couch to dispose of perverts body, and came back with an ice pack to put over my eye for the bruising. I can't believe he's being so caring towards me. Eclipse said he could and would kill anyone, but he hasn't killed me yet. I wonder why he hasn't killed me yet..?
“Hey uh- sun?"
Yes sunlight?"
“Why haven't you killed me yet” I question
Kill you? Why would i kill you?" he says softly as if they did something wrong
“Eclipse told me you were dangerous and you could and would kill anyone?"
Yes, that Is true but we wouldn't kill our significant other, that would just be evil to us. No way are we gonna kill them
“What about my friends?" I ask scared they will kill them too
As long as you trust someone we won't kill them
“Thank you, honestly” I say relieved he wouldn't kill them.
No problem darling
We cuddled for the rest of the time till mom got home.
“I'm hoome!” mom said opening the door
“Welcome back mom! How was work?" I ask her giving small talk
“It was a little rough, we had quite a few Code blues by nothin’ too special.”
“That sounds nice”
“So what did you do today honey?” mom asks
“Oh nothin’ too special just got a black eye” I say just so casually
“You got what?!?" mom says concerned
“Yeah, I got a black eye while you were at work”
“Let me see” mom says as they walk over to the couch.
I uncover my eye from the ice bag to show a nasty black eye as mom stares in shock
“What happened?" mom asks
“Oh nothing too personal just the perv of the school I graduated from came to our house and assaulted me because i was pregnant."
“Looks like we're pressing charges”
No need to” glitch sun says
“What do you mean?" mom asked
He's already been.. Dealt with if you know what I mean”
“Dealt with?? Are you saying.. You killed him?"
Glitch sun kept quiet.
“You do realize if they find out you killed him you could be taken away and one of us would get charged???”
Don't worry I disposed of the body. I have something to get us out in case it actually happens."
“Hopefully you have a plan ready, or I hope to God I'm not saving your ass”
Got it

(A whole chapter just written by me :) ) -editor
(I'm so proud) -writer
(:D) -editor/co-writer

How you and sun and moon met, a love story (Fnaf) Where stories live. Discover now