lies uncovered and truths told

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Tw: graphic violence and gore)

"You" I said angrily and
glared at her.

Beans squint their eyes glaring at her too.

"I know you both probably hate me, but I'm here to reveal some truths about your fathers. Both yours y/n and beans" she pulled out two pictures. one of beans' family and one of my family. The father looked the same. "beans, your father didn't die. He faked his death so he could get with Ms snickerdoodle. he told me all of this himself" I looked at beans in shock. so we are siblings, like actual blood related siblings.

"So- we're biologically half-siblings?" Beans asked

"Yes that's what I am saying"

"W-wow.." beans looks over at me, shocked as well.

"Our fathers a hoe" (AHEM just like mine irl the bitch-writer )

Beans snrked.

"That's all I called you both down here for"

"Beans wanna go play vr?" I ask

But then the front door opened and my father stood there, glaring at Vanessa. I got in front of mom and beans ready to fight a bitch.

"So m/n, it seems you now have adopted the other disappointment" i narrowed my eyes.

"Beans is not a disappointment, you are a horrible father and a fucking hoe"

"I just know when to move on from disappointments."

Vanessa looked at him in shock. she couldn't believe what she was hearing from him; calling someone a disappointment is terrible. father looked at me

"And you're a disappointment. ever since you were a teenager, and now it's gotten worse, now that you're pregnant."

I wanted to punch him so bad. if he brought mom into this, i would snap. it's already bad enough he brought beans into this.

"and you," he looked at my mother. "you were nothing more than a toy to me, I never cared about you"

that's when I lost it, I attacked him. I was blinded by rage, the next thing I knew him and I were covered in blood. I don't remember what Happened, glitch sun was pulling me off him. With mom's help, Vanessa stared in shock. He tried to get up and continue fighting me, but I saw he had one of his eyes closed, I'm guessing I did something to it. "I think it's best if you both leave." glitch said.

Vanessa looked at glitch realizing it was sun. "wait sun I thought you were at the pizzaplex, I have to take you back"

I glared at her "YOU ARE NOT TAKING MY SUN UNLESS YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH." She took that threat and left with my father.

moon came running in "what happened"

He looked at me who was covered in blood "oh my god Y/N are you ok?"

"im ok, other than a bit dizzy" moon looked over at beans and picked them up, and pulled them into a hug holding them tight.

eclipse cleaned me up, it turns out my nose was bleeding. I'm guessing I got punched in the face, yet again, I also had cuts on my arms that were bleeding, with deep cuts.

"After you went after him, he brought out a pocket knife." mom said

"I was not about to let him treat my family this way. if it was him just treating me this way I wouldn't have cared, but when he pulled you and beans into it? I snapped, no one treats my family that way." eclipse was bandaging up my arms, then he had to bandage up my side cuz he stabbed me in the side as well, and soon eclipse had gotten me all bandaged up. I really gotta stop getting hurt, especially while pregnant. I looked over at beans, who was scared. I know me attacking our father wasn't the best choice, and I may have accidentally traumatized them. I walked up to moon who had beans in his arms. "beans are you ok?" I ask

How you and sun and moon met, a love story (Fnaf) Where stories live. Discover now