the attack

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⚠️horny end notes and almost nsfw⚠️
I woke to sun still wrapped around me, one of his hands petting my hair and the other around my waist. I yawned, “sun?”
Yes sunshine?”
I just now noticed lucy was gone
“Wheres lucy”
Oh! She left hmm 5 hours ago
Ya it is!”
"I  didn't wanna wake you"
I sighed "sunny you should have woken me up but it's ok"
Sun's rays retracted a bit, i sat up and sun let go of me. i put my hands on his cheeks “sun i said it was ok” 
sun purred after i said that. I got up and sun did too, he unplugged himself and we went down stairs. mom greeted us,
"We still planning on going shopping for a dress tomorrow?"
"And suit shopping?"
"Moons going to prom with me"
"But how he's a Animatronic"
"No actually," sun started and flipped the switch on the back of his faceplate, and turned into sammy. mom(my-jo) stared in shock, "since when could he do that?"
"I could always do this"
"...ok then I guess he can go to prom with you. moons more mature so he will keep u out of trouble." (>:(-Jo)
"Its not like he's my babysitter, it's more like he's the guy who asked me out to prom."
Mom just rolled her eyes. 
"he's basically made to be a babysitter"
"That's actually not what I was designed for” Sammy rebutaled.
yes, I take care of kids. but while babysitters just watch kids to make sure they don't die, I play with them and actually care about making sure they are happy and well cared for; even getting parents arrested for abusing their kids. I operate the daycare, and that Is nothing like babysitting. anyone would have a cow if they were tasked with taking care of 30 3-9 year olds."
Mom was shocked by Sammy's sudden tone shift from happy and playful to serious and stern. It's almost like moon was talking through him… wait I haven't seen moon's Human form yet have I?
"Sammy, can I speak to the moon?” Momma sounded a little annoyed
"But it's day time " Sammy said,
"I can only turn into moon at night or in a very dark room"
Momma Motioned for him To follow her, and he did. I followed too. She took us to the basement, turned on a dim light and turned off the lights; Sammy's light colored hair turned black, his eyes turned from blue to purple, ..and he grew an inch.
…he was hot
"now moon I needed to talk to u"
"My human name is mark"
"Well mark if your gonna go to prom with my daughter then you gotta agree to a few rules"
"What are the rules then"
"Rule number one no funny business
Rule number two make sure she's responsible
Rule number three protect her and ensure her safety "
"You really think I would let her die?! No I wouldn't, but I will abide by the rules."
Mom nodded and left the room. after she was gone I walked up to moon and he looked down at me as he put his hand on my cheek, tilted my head up and kissed me. It felt different with him as a human. After we pulled away his hand stayed.
"You're beautiful starlight"
"Thank you"
I go and turn on the light and mark turns back into sammy
Do i get a kiss too?”
“Yes of course”
I walked up to Sammy and gave him a kiss too, when I pulled away he looked like a tomato. (🍅-Jo)
“Sammy, stay here, i wanna go talk to mom, ’Kay?”
O-ok sunshine
I walked out of the room and went up to mom
“Mom Is something wrong?” i ask
“In my opinion your getting too attached to those things “
“And what's so wrong with that?”
“They arent human”
“It's not like they are some mindless machine, they have feelings and personalities! they care!“
“Thats just how they are programmed “
"You haven't seen what i have”
“I've seen all i wanna see, they were made just for kids for parents who don't wanna care for their kids.”
Then we heard the door open. Both our heads whipped around and my dad stepped in, but he wasn't alone. a woman with blonde hair and green eyes walked in with him ((*puts middle finger up* NO-)-Jo)
I stood beside mom
“You're home, and who is she? “
He pulled out a paper, “we either do this the easy way or the hard way “
he handed my mom devioce papers
Both mine and mom's eyes widened. He comes home and the first thing is bam divorce papers! Fun! /sar
"I am not signing. this marriage is supposed to be a forever thing!"
"Then we will do this the hard way " he grabbed my mom's wrist, and I went to pry his hand off her, he punched me in the face and I fell to the floor, my vision going hazy
But when my vision cleared a man with half black have blond hair grabbed my dad by the neck
Fuck he was hot
…Fuck your face hurt
"Sir I believe it's time for you to leave "
Mom took the time to sign the paper and handed it to the woman
mom screamed and the half blond have black haired man threw him out but when he saw the woman he froze but the woman left
And then after they were gone he turned around at us
"M/n and Starshine are u ok?"
"My wrist is bruised but I'm ok "
"My face hurts" then I felt liquid start to come from my nose. I put my fingers to my nose; turns out my nose Was bleeding as I groaned in pain. Awesome!/sar
"Who are you?” I ask.
"I'm eclipse, I don't have a human name so I go by eclipse In both forms; but enough about me " he went and got tissues and gave them to me, I held them to my nose until it stopped bleeding.
I sighed, "How long are you gonna be like this"
"Till tomorrow"
"So are you like sun and moon mixed together"
"That's what I am"
I reached my hand out and put it to his faceplate, he purred like sun would. (*squeals*-Jo)
"Now I have another question"
"Yes starshine? " awh he was using a mixture of sun and moons nicknames for you, starlight and sunshine making the name starshine. It was really cute.
"So that woman; it looked like you knew her?” I ask.
I do, thats Vanessa. she was the night guard for the pizzaplex. luckily she has never seen any of the animatronics in their human forms. im just glad i wasn’t in my animatronic form, she would have taken me for sure.”
"So when do you turn into this? "
"We turn into this during dangerous situations or if we sense a threat like him. we can also turn into this if we both wish to" he explained
"Why protect us"
"Because I would hate to see either of you hurt, I care about both of you"
Mom froze, but then just walked off into the kitchen. I grabbed eclipse by the hand and took him Back upstairs. when we got in my room, I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him. he blushed, but not as much as Sammy would. it makes sense being both of them but then my phone dinged; I pulled away from him and checked my phone, it was Lucy.
Ay did u know that the animatronics have human forms?”
“Ye sun and moon have one why“
i found Monty he told us that they had one and he showed us im going to prom with him”
“Im going to prom with moon we gotta get him something to wear though”
Same what if we all go together …we could invite lilly too if she wants to come”
“Sure i think she would like to come along as well ill go ask her”
I then texted Lilly asking if she would like to go.
"Lilly you wanna go prom shopping with us tomorrow "
"I would LOVE TO"
Then I texted Lucy again
“She said she would love to go “
Then its settled the 5 of us will go and get our prom outfits by the way my sister will probably tag along”
“Eh i don't mind it but i gotta go take a shower and hope my giant sun puppy doesn't follow me”
I didn't want her to know about eclipse. I didn't even know about him until now.
K talk to ya later then
Eclipse was watching me intently, I walked back over to him.
"Can you show me your animatronic form?"
He flipped the switch
he grew a bunch, his faceplate became black. orange and red spikes grew out the sides and a hat appeared on one side. he grew another set of arms then his eyes snapped open glowing bright orange. why do we think he's hot? also when he could almost definitely snap our neck in 2.5 seconds; despite that i gave him grabby hands, he picked Me up, and I reached up to his faceplate and put my hand on his cheek. it wasn't hot or cold, it was like room temperature. he closed his eyes and smiled, I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw he had sharp orange teeth that also glowed. my interest peaked; I put one of his rays in between my fingers, his eyes snapped open and looked directly at me making me jump. that in return made me tug on the ray a bit, he whimpered. I pulled my hand back scared that I hurt him; he grabbed my hand gently, "it's ok it didn't hurt me it was just a bit uncomfortable, you can continue if you would like" my hand went back to the ray and ran my fingers on the underside of it, all the way up to where it connected to his faceplate. he shuddered, I didn't understand why he shuddered at first; until I saw his blush and then realized doing that was like running a finger down someones neck.
" s-starshine please don't do that if u do I'm not responsible for what may happen"
that made me die.
(“Die deez nu-”-Jo)
(*sigh* -lilly)
"wait What?!"
I decided do it again and my eyes almost bugged out of my head when I heard him let out the most touch deprived whine ever. he grabbed my hand, 
"Starshine I'm warning you to stop I don't want to lose control and do something you wouldn't like"
"Like what? "
He sighed and looked away his face bright orange… he reached in his pocket and pulled out a spare manual
"If u really wanna know u can read this this is one of the newest manuals the other one was in my room”
he was blushing. he sat me down and walked over to the window, I was confused so I started reading it the first 10 pages were about how to fix him if he ever got damaged; then it started to
show diagrams explaining different parts of his body.. and then it showed something that made my stomach flip. h-he had a d-dick?! It was a tentacle. It showed sun, moon, and then eclipses, but then two more that confused me; blood moon and glitch sun. so, Suns was a yellow color that faded to orange, it was thick. then moon.. oh GOD he had 2 that could move separately; they were a blue that faded to a purple color, they were a bit longer than suns.
Then eclipse; he had 2, the same as moon, but one was blue to purple and the other was yellow to orange. they were thick and long. I got wet just thinking about how it would feel for those to go inside me. then I looked at glitch sun and blood moons. Glitch suns was shown first, it was orange to black; but had a bulge at the base. then blood moons had the same bulge, but his was light red to dark red; they confused me. then I turned the page that gave info about the main 3; but not about the other 2. nowhere in the manual did it mention them. so far I read that sun, moon and eclipse couldn't get humans pregnant, because it couldn't fertilize our eggs; but that confused me even more. why include that? I went on and all it said on glitch sun and blood moon is they just said they were a glitch and shouldn't come out. they are dangerous and shouldn't ever come out. well that's great I got done reading the manual.
"... Eclipse … you have a dick?"
"WHY?! "
"I haven't a clue. word spread about some mechanic that gave all the animatronics "special upgrades". I think they got fired though, they never found out about our upgrades though."
I just shook my head with my new found information.
"What's this about blood moon and glitch sun?"
He froze, "I'm not even gonna mention them. They are dangerous and that is that "
I blinked "but you're "dangerous" but you are nice"
"I'm different, I have feelings and I'm not made to kill. yes, I can protect you, but I'm not made to kill. they are made to kill. they can and will kill you if they get the chance; and that's why they are never let out "
I just shook my head
"I've gotta take a shower "
I walked off to the bathroom and I took my shower… I forgot my clothes.. And I also forgot eclipse was in my room, and I walked in there without clothes on. A great idea!(/sar) he looked at me and then looked away immediately, I got dressed and then realized he was still in there…
"I forgot you were In here "
He was just blushing, I layed down on my bed and dosed off. I woke up when my alarm went off the next morning.
Sun was beside me "good morning sunshine"
I whined "I don't wanna get upppp"
Then I got up, got dressed, and went down stairs. momma drove me and sun; or now Sammy, when we showed up, Lilly was already there and Lucy was too. she had monty beside her and we talked a bit before walking in. this will be one interesting day.

Word count 2806
(Jo having another fucking stroke reading lthis -writer)
(✨jo the spray bottle✨)-writer
(Jo becomes a frying pan that's frying bacon) -writer
(I was a gremlin you dumbass-)-editor
(It sounded like a frying pan bitch) -writer
(Shut. Up. I WILL FUCK YOUR FAMILY!) -editor
(When and where)-writer
(When you call me a frying pan again, and at your house)-editor
(I will do it) -editor
(Frying pan -shows up at ur house-)-writer
(Fuck u ur my bitch)-writer
(You've really lost your place haven't you~ you're my bitch~ and you know that~)-editor
(Show me I seem to have forgotten)-writer
(Oh I will~ *pins Lilly* now why don't we get.. Messy~)-editor
(-dies of flustered)-writer
(HAH! Bottom) -editor
(U win this time I will eventually get u back ) -writer
(I sure do! >:) aaaaand no you won't! Wuss >:))-editor
(-sigh fuck u -leaves dissapears Desinagrates dies destroyed (by jos di-))-writer
(When and were babe) -editor
(My house destroy me~)-writer
(Tonight meet me there baby (let's end this before it gets any more horny the poor readers)) -writer
(Alright (yeah, and I'm getting tired, also, who cares about the reader they've been warned-))-editor
(I care and anyway gn love u Jo) -writer
(Love youuuuu and that's all folks! “Nighty niiiight~”)
(Endnote pt 2)
(Do u have dick in that story-akio )
(I have mentioned tentacles -lilly)
(Let me suck it-akio)
(Endnote pt 3)
(Jo having another stroke)-writer
(Yes) -writer
(No and don't you dare fight with me I will send you more dark jokes)-editor
(NO) -writer
(Then don't fuckin fight wit me bitch✨)-editor
(FINEEE) -writer
(Haha loser) -editor
(FUCK U) -writer
(When and whereee~)-editor
(Ooh kinky) -editor
(D: -just walked away holding up a middle finger-)-writer
(Ooooh lemmie suck) -editor
(Ur done byeee) -writer

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